I am not a shopper.
I don't shop for clothes, bathroom accessories or new knick knacks.
I don't enjoy spending all weekend at the mall.
I own one pair of jeans. Well, I OWN two but one pair has some holes in a very unfortunate place so I can't wear them out anywhere...
I wear the same clothes over and over until I get them so stained with food drippings that they are unwearable (even by me).
I own 3 pairs of jogging pants and one pair is over 8 years old.
I own about 12 t shirts and all of them are solid.
So as you can see I am not a clothes horse...
Today I went here -
I walked in, tried on 9 different items and bought 4 of them. DONE...
Went to the post office, drove through MacDonald's for a Big Mac and came home.
Not bad for a Wednesday morning. Oh, and I got the senior citizen discount that I am not even entitled to (for another 5 years or so). Kohl's gives 15% off every Wednesday to senior citizens (age 62). I noticed that the price went down and as I looked up at the sales clerk, I said "What age is the senior discount?" He said "62" and as I started to open my mouth to say I wasn't old enough he piped in with "Oh, I know you aren't 62 yet, but I just give it to anyone I want to on Wednesdays". "You aren't offended are you?" "Heck no", I said. I'll take a discount any day!! LOL
My sister the shopper would be proud. I not only went shopping, but I went to her favorite store AND got a discount.
So that's done for another year or so. Wonder what else I can cross off my list today...
Happy Sewing,
You did good! I hate to clothes shop. I do like to shop for fabric, but that is about it. I am not a mall person at all. I hate the place. I figure we do not need more clothes then we can use so why own them. I wear scrubs to work and have 5 sets. One for each day. Once a year my company furnishes me with 2 new sets. So at that time I take out the two oldest sets I have and replace then with the two new ones. I tell people I think we should do like the days of old and have two sets of clothes, one for everyday wear and one for Sunday! Sure would save money!
Have a Blessed Day,
That is so me! I threw an old razorback t-shirt away yesterday that just had one stain too many,LOL! It had to be at least 7 years old. I love fabric stores and yard sales though!
Well, I'm sure glad to find out I'm not adnormal because I too HATE to shop.. and my clothes list sounds exactly like yours.. my sweat pants are as old as yours and I have two pairs of jeans that are at least 15 years old and still going strong.. I wear my tee shirts till they get stained then wear them only around the house.
BUT I don't mind fabric or food shopping LOL
Add ME to this ever-growing list here. I hate to clothes shop (never liked it much but hate it more now that I've gotten "larger" and have a harder time finding things that look flattering). I was asked to do the long reading at church for the Easter Vigil and that forced me to go and look for clothes....but...after trying several stores and getting very irritated, I got NOTHING and just made do with some VERY old stuff in my closet and it was fine. BUT...fabric and books and food....that's another story. I can do that. I do hate the malls, though. Where we moved, we don't have any big malls nearby...which is fine by me, but some of the gals nearby have fits and need to go to them once a month or so. Pretty funny to me! Yard sales and thrift shops are good, though. I guess us quilters are an odd bunch, huh?
LOL crack me up!!
Thanks for the comment on my guest post today over at Justsomethingimade.blogspot.com
Let me know if you make the brownies!!
I shop in exactly the same manner! My wardrobe must be your wardrobe twin! :o)
I hate shopping also!! But sometimes, you just can't beat the sales at Kohl's - don't know how they stay in business!!!
It's always nice to make your sister proud of you. :-) I'll take you shopping!!! It will be an experience you'll NEVER forget. LOLOL
Well I guess I am in the minority here. I love to shop, and the best part is finding a bargain. I used to find all kinds of great buys for my little nieces and nephews. But they have grown up and moved away.....
Hey, maybe I can come and do the shopping for you ;-)
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