Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hello, My name is Nancy......

and I have imaginary internet friends....

This is what my family calls the various members of my yahoo groups and blogs. Why do they think you are imaginary?? Just because they can't see you? Some blogs have photos of the owner, so I would recognize you in a crowd. My family has never met my quilt guild members, but they don't call them imaginary! Shoot, they haven't even met the two friends I sew with the first Tuesday of each month and they have never met Linda, who I talk to on the phone (and met over the internet)...

So lets break this down.....

Imaginary - the dictionary reads "existing only in the imagination or fancy; not real; fancied"

Now listen...I don't think my computer is typing these blogs and/or yahoo messages. Someone somewhere is generating those messages and blogs. These people are responding to other peoples messages. We are listening and reading and responding. We are helping, sharing, laughing and crying. This isn't imaginary...this is real....

Well I don't think any one reading this needs the definition of this word....HELLO!! you are reading this on the internet..enough said.

definition? A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement: friends of the clean air movement.

Another HELLO!! I know all of you, some better than others. I like you and trust (most of you!!LOL) We are comrades in the cause of sewing, stitching and blogging. We support each other (and our local LQS), we symphathize with each other and I would call us a group.

So There!! Today I am celebrating my "Imaginary Internet Friends".

Take a bow!!

I am celebrating by sewing all day today!!

How will you celebrate??

Happy Sewing Day!


  1. Let me be the first to agree with you! LOL. Having checked in with a few of you, posting my TAG post, I am now in need of a long walk to shake my "internet freeze brain" loose. Then there are some chores before hours of free time to sew. Life is good! Celebrate I will! :)

  2. Hello, My name is Carolyn...

    You Go Girl!!!!


  3. Thanks, Nancy! I consider you to be a friend, too! No you aren't imaginary. You are one of those "laugh out loud while I am at the computer friends" that my kids enjoy teasing me about!

    I love you over in Pat's group, and I' so glad to find you in blogland!

  4. Let me just pinch myself...ow! That hurts! Hmmm maybe I'm real after all??! All this time I thought I was an imaginary friend LOL! Love this post - so funny and so true! Hey I met my hubby online so it can't be all bad having internet friends, right?!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....