Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Quick Update....

Abigail and family are doing great. She had her first Pediatricians appt yesterday and lost 10% of her weight which is perfectly normal and expected for a breast fed baby. I keep asking for updated photos, but I guess Mom has lots of "other stuff" to do?? LOL Yesterday was photo op day and Abigail had her official photo taken for her birth announcements. Can't wait to see it.

At this household, school is closed today after yesterday afternoons ice storm. Unfortunately, the rock guitarist didn't check the school closings before getting in the shower at 5:45am and so is up and raring to go.....LOL
He seems to think that 16 year old friends are driving over to this house to hang out. I told him not to be dissapointed if their parents say NO...I wouldn't let him drive anywhere today....

This is the front walk. ALL ICE!!

Off to the sewing room. Will be cleaning today and if there is still time (and energy!) I will cut the background for TicTacMo.....

Happy Sewing...

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