Tuesday, February 26, 2008

What a wonderful idea......Christine over at Liberty Star Farm
has started a Leap Year Prize-A-Palooza. Here are the rules......

"Leap Year Prize-A-Palooza!"

All you have to do is leave a comment along with your favorite color before the last minute of the 29th of February 2008 runs out. You must have a blog that I can come visit!

On Saturday, when I get up to read blogs and check emails, I will put all the names in a basket and pull a winner and I'll send you box full of quilty, fabricy, stitching kind of stuff

I have declared today Sewing Room Cleaning day and will make my own box to give away. So leave a comment on this post with your favorite color(s) and I will draw a name Saturday am.

Ok, now off to clean, purge and fill a box......

Happy Sewing,

PS - thanks to Christine for letting me snag her quilt photo.....


antique quilter said...

what fun!
my favorite color...

Anonymous said...

I'm in my most "not" favorite colour is orange, but love any other colour....

Melinda said...

I love lime green!

Busy Little Quilter said...

I have lots of favortie colors. I guess it would be pink. I really like pink.

By the way...one of my posts today links to your blog. I was talking about the "retreat" we did last February in Pat Sloans group.

Angie said...

What a fun Leap Year idea!! :D Can I have two favorites??? *G* Red AND yellow :D Your sewing room in the next post is wonderful, and what a handsome teenager you have on your table...uh, hands LOL, I mean!! LOL

Deborah in Atlanta said...

What a wonderful giveaway. My favorite color? Depends on what I'm talking about? Clothes? Red. Car? White. Decorating the house? Rose and Blue. So you can't tie me down with that one - I'll only get confused. Would LOVE to win your giveaway. If I do, you can contact me at dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Mary Anne said...

Great idea !!!! Let's see..... my favorite color is yellow .... wait, ....ummmm pink .....no wait .... periwinkle blue .....or lime green......ummmmmm ,hmmmmm.......paisley, polka dots, STRIPES !!! (oh, wait , those aren't colors ....) let's just say I LOVE fabric and all the stuff that goes with it!

~Bren~ said...

Green, green, and green! I do like red too though!

Marit Johanne said...

What a good idea. Your sewing room really looks so nice and tidy, even with a teenager on the table!
My favorite color is dark red.

Vickie E said...

My favorite color is blue I'd say...

Betsy said...

I like bright colors like pink and purle and beautiful yellows.