Saturday, February 2, 2008

What a Wonderful Life.....

We quilters have a wonderful life. No matter what goes on in the world outside, we can always go into our sewing space, block out the world and create. Today I got up early, read email, cleaned (ok, straightened) the house and headed right up to the sewing room. This is what I did all day..............

It's finished and ready to go to the quilter. 2 down and 2 to go.....

So, what will I do tomorrow. I found a pattern for a wall hanging in an older magazine and will start pulling fabrics. It's a fairly easy pattern. Only blocks of color with one strip of applique.....

Happy Sewing,


  1. HI - is that for one of the boys?? It very nice..........

    Your sis

  2. Very nice quilt....

  3. Looks like a cup of coffee to me. Love it!

  4. You summed it up beautifully...yes we quilters do have a great life! As long as i have fabric and thread and the ability to create I will be happy!

  5. It's so pretty. Finishing a top is a happy feeling. Then we get to move on to another.

  6. Love the colors and the quilt. Great job!!

  7. I agree ---- I can always find my "happy place" with fabric !!!!

    .....and I'm loving that quilt!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....