Saturday, March 1, 2008

UFO's, teenagers and oh, I guess we have a winner.....

My UFO's seem to be taking over the sewing room. I was very good for awhile at keeping them hidden on a shelf, then I moved them to a stack on the floor thinking they would get done if I had to trip over them. It didn't work. I like to clean out my sewing room every once in a while. So, this week while at the local huge discount store in town, I found this little shelving unit. No screws or nails, no tab a into tab b and it fits perfectly. It's small and with only 4 shelves it can't become a huge mess. It was also cheap, less than $10. Right now on the top shelf is my grandson's TicTacMo just waiting to go to the quilter. Hey, that's not really a UFO!! Oh, but it needs to have the backing bought and pieced, so I guess it is after all. Next shelf is Weaver Fever for hubby. It needs one more border, backing and it will be ready for the quilter. Third shelf 2005 Circle of Friends (a Pat Sloan pattern) and it just needs the last border, backing and it will go to the quilter also. Bottom shelf is my tree skirt. I made this 2 years ago and it has been under 2 Christmas tree's as a UFO. It needs to have the reindeer names hand embroidered and then backed, quilted (I will do this one) and bound....

Do you see a pattern here? Seems I get stopped right at the last border. I wonder why? Am I bored by that time? Do I already have another quilt ready to start? Who knows! I am determined to empty these shelves. Maybe I will tackle one of them today.....or maybe Tuesday.....

On to teenagers. Some of you know I have the Rock Guitarist....Today he has a DATE!! Well, he isn't calling a date. I Dad will drive him to town to meet "A" at the local breaskfast place. Then Dad will pick him up. So far, we haven't allowed him to ride with friends that have drivers license's. Now we are rethinking He is 15 3/4 (will be 16 in June). He has never given us any problems (other than talking too much in school) and is generally a good kid. He still gives me hugs and says "I love you, Mommy". At what age do I allow him to ride with friends? What restrictions should there be. Our girls are married and Mom's now, so I can't remember what we did with them, and really times have changed since then (his next closest sister is 28!!). Any help out there??

Oh, and I guess we have a winner. I used hubby as a random generator and he picked number Mary Anne please send me your snail mail address and I will get your box in the mail on Monday....
Here is a sneak peak.... there is more hiding underneath...

Happy Sewing,


  1. Let my bright, wonderful, cute, respectful, polite Nephew GO!!!!

    He deserves it!!

    Your Sis

    PS - Rock Guitarist owes me!! I'll collect next time I'm there and he can haul and tote to and from my car :)

  2. Yeah !!! I won !!! Thanks!!!!!!(now hurry up and send me my loot !) teenagers ...... let's see..... I do have 2 of that species ..... males will be 18 in June and will, if all goes as planned , also graduate in June .... the other one is 15 1/4 ....won't be 16 until the end of October . If I remember right, we didn't let Kid #1 ride with other teenage drivers until AFTER he was 16 ..... here in Pa they can get their permits on their 16th B-day, but then they have to spend 6 months driving with a licensed driver before they can take their test .... so basically , the youngest they could get their license was at 16 1/2 ..... and even then, I was VERY nervous about him riding with a teenage driver.... and right now the only teenage driver we allow the younger kid to ride with is his older brother, Kid #1 .... to and from school, sports practices, and the local movie theater (I guess when you're 15 1/4 it's a whole lot less embarrassing to have your cool older brother drive you around than your parents! ... and I must say I'm thrilled to have a teeny little less taxi driving to do !). Anyhow, no matter which teenage driver is driving, it's still very nerve racking! My kids get annoyed at me because I follow them and their friends out into the driveway and stay there until each kid has buckled their seat belt and I have said 10 times, SPEED LIMIT !!! and NO HORSING AROUND !!!! ..... and then I go in the house and take something for my migraine and indigestion!

  3. My 17 year old DD is the youngest of my 3 - she is the first of her friends to get her license - as was DS so that took care of some of it - THEY were the driver every other parent was deciding if they should let their child ride with! Otherwise it depended on the driver - how well I know them, how long they've had their license - and i always gave my kid the lecture that if they turned out to be a crazy driver to get out, call me and I'd come get them where ever they were. It is very scary. I was always more comfortable with my kid being the driver - I know how they drive.

  4. I do the same thing with borders!! I did the quiltathon today and got 2 sets of borders on 2 quilts! I have a rock star...I mean guitarist :)teenage son(just turned 18 last week) too and the other son(15 1/2) is a drummer!

  5. Just had to leave a comment. I have a son that sounds just like yours. At 16 he was still saying "I love you mommy." In fact at almost 20 he sometimes still does. I didn't let my children ride with others very often. I did make special exceptions. My daughter also had to get a ride each day during her athletics to get from one school to the other.

    Sidenote: If your son (that sounds so much like mine) turns out like mine he will be fine.
    Good luck.



Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....