Wednesday, March 19, 2008


This morning I had to deliver the Rock Star to his band practice, so since I was out and gas is SO (see me roll my eyes, cause I haven't changed any of my driving habits since gas has started getting rediculous)expensive, I thought I would head over to the post office and the quilt store. I needed a 1/2 yard of black for the first border of my 2005 COF designed by Pat Sloan. I know I had the black moda for the first border, but apparently I used it for some other project. So anyway, I headed down to the pink building. Oh, I should have taken a photo...the building is BRIGHT pink with green trim. So cute.....and you can't miss it. Right on Main Street and Cherry and BRIGHT PINK...

So, Pat Two Borders (her Indian name(no offense to real Indians))was there and my quilt was also there..... This is the first quilt she has quilted for me and she did a WONDERFUL job. She used pale yellow veriegated thread and it is wonderful (ok, I said that, but it IS!!)

That is Pat Two Borders on the left and Connie the owner of the shop on the right. The quilt is for my Gracie my first born granddaughter. It is for Christmas, This Year.....Pat thought it was for last year... Uh NO!! It is for 2008...

1 down, 4 to go.

Happy Sewing,

PS-Guess I should tell you why I call her Pat Two Borders..Every stinkin time I go in there with a finished quilt top, she talks me into two borders. She can't stand the fact that this quilt has NO BORDERS....LOL


  1. Very cute quilt, boy you sure are organised, a quilt for this Christmas already.

  2. I love the quilt! As you know I made one last weekend for my neighbor and their first grandchild. I haven't quilted it, yet.

    I love quilts that don't have to have a border.


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