Monday, April 7, 2008

Ok, this is it.....

I promise that if you look at this last tiny photo, I will not blog on the Noah's Ark BOM. At least until next month when the new block comes

and I wanted to be prepared, so I cut a lot of 3/4" strips...

All parts and pieces are safely tucked away in a paper bag just waiting for the next block to appear.

Happy Sewing,


  1. These look so great! I love the 30's reproduction fabrics you have chosen. I haven't started this yet but you make me want to right NOW!

  2. The 30's reproduction fabrics look great around you gorgeous stitcheries....

  3. I just love this blog. I really want to learn embroidery or redwork. Do you have any suggestions where I could learn online? Thanks

  4. Your Noah's ark blocks are adorable.

  5. Ok, that clinches it. I'm doing these blocks in 30's colors too. I love yours and I have quite a large stash of 30's repros!
    LouAnne in CA


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