Saturday, April 19, 2008


Yesterday I met my oldest daughter at a not-so-local outlet mall to hand over my son and his friend. They had tickets to a concert and were going to spend the night with her and her family. I dropped them off, hit the quilt shop and found a beautiful Moda fabric (I got the pink background with brown)for my messenger bag. Alas, they had nothing that suited for the lining. Apparently they only bought the one bolt and no other part of the line of Tiddly Winks.
Today, we took off at 8am to pick up the guys. I convinced DH to visit another quilt shop where I looked at every bolt of fabric available. I finally found a check that is perfect. I have the bag almost done. I had to stop and fix breakfast (for dinner).
Tomorrow I will finish the bag and show you all. I am really liking it.

I also need help. I am doing an online swap and need some help....please check back tomorrow and leave a suggestion....

Happy Sewing,

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