Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Challenge for my peeps.....

Back a couple of weeks ago, Valori Wells had a fabulous free fabric give-a-way. Luckily, Miss Nancy, Anne and I (along with 15 others) all won a set of 8 FQ's of Valori's new fabric line Olive Rose.

We talked about what pattern we could make of these fabrics and after emailing back and forth, I finally issued a Challenge. We are to use at least 3 of the FQ's, make something and have it finished by our August sewing day. Today I visited a blog (that will remain nameless so as not to give my idea away) and have decided what my project will be. I hope to start today.

Happy Sewing,


  1. Hey, I won of those packs of FQs from Valori. Can I join your challenge?

  2. I will too! I won a pack and LOVE the fabrics. This will make me do something with them. Yay!!


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