Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I got to sew.....

The rock star is out of school until June 4th when summer school starts. He decided to take American Government this summer instead of next year. He thinks it might be easier, his class schedule next year won't be so hard and our school district pays $50 to each student that passes a summer school course. Since he will go to session 1 and 2, he will make $100. Great! And it gets him out of the house!! YEA!!

I have asked him for the past 3 days to clean HIS room, HIS bathroom and the guest room (otherwise known to him and buddies as the "HIS music room". Today, I finally gave him a deadline. Why do kids need a deadline before getting anything done?? It's not like the rooms were trashed! Well, the bathroom was a filthy mess and he doesn't even seem to notice. sigh.... So today he did two of the three rooms. two, which I guess is better than none, but he says he will do his room tonight after we go to bed and he will clean and watch tv. I hope he realizes he can't run the vacuum after 10pm. Oh wait, he's a boy....he won't even think about the vacuum. Silly me!!

Today was Redwork at the LQS. No one else showed up, so I bought the backing for the next Christmas quilt, came home and decided to start piecing.

(Hey LOOK!! Can you see my new ironing board cover in the background? I found some purple and white stripe in my stash and it looks so pretty.)

All I have to do now is add a side piece to each middle piece and start putting blocks together and then rows together...shouldn't take more than a couple of days.
This is the second TicTacMo which is a Teri Atkinson design. The other one is already at the quilter. Each 5 year old grandson will get one for Christmas this year.

Tomorrow is MAMMOGRAM DAY in this household. Have you had your Mammogram this year?? Be good to yourself and schedule yours today....

Happy Sewing,

1 comment:

  1. I got to the same nagging set a deadline stage today. The bathroom is finally clean (well teenage boy clean), but I'm ok with it! On to the next item on the list! This pattern looks neat...pretty quick. I'll be back to see it all put together.


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....