Sunday, June 1, 2008

I went to the mailbox......

and what did I get??

A JOB!!!

Now do you know anyone else that can do that?? Huh?? Anyone??

I walked across the street (because we are in a rural area and the mail lady only goes up one side of the street) and my across the street neighbors were outside.
"Hi", I call, being nice and neighborly. "Hi" they say, being the same. And then it happened. The Mom asked if I knew anyone that watched kids after school and snow days. She has a girl and a boy that stay at another neighbors, but that neighbor is heading out into the "real" work force after the summer. So....guess I will be here every day from 4:15pm until 5:45pm. Hey, I will get a little cash and her kids will be safe and maybe, just maybe I can get the little girl to like sewing....

Now, how do I break it to my sister-in-law that I won't be going on sewing retreat this year with her??

Come back tomorrow as I will be showing the FINISHED Spring Fling 2008 quilt top.

Happy Sewing,


  1. Not to many people can go to the mailbox and come back with a job!!!
    I would try to work that retreat out!

  2. Ok, this is cheesy, but it "pays" to be neighborly!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....