Wednesday, July 9, 2008

How does your garden grow???

Mine doesn't. I have to confess to a pale green thumb. I have grass in the yard and two bushes that were planted last year that are still the same size they were when we planted them. The neighbors up the street (we call them "The Gardeners") are out every weekend either dumping dirt, spreading rock or planting something. Now the neighbors across the street are getting into the act and putting in flowers and mulch and rocks. WHATEVER!!! I have one indoor plant that amazingly has lived for almost 10 years now. Obviously it has a very strong survivor streak....

So where is this post going?? Last week I was sitting on my front porch, talking to my daughter on the phone, when my neighbor brought over these....

To give you a perspective, they are the size of my little finger. So cute. I came right in and scrubbed them clean and YEK!! They were bitter... Guess I should have cooked them and added some honey?? But they are cute!!

ME? I will be first in line at the local Farmers Market July 17th when they finally open. I will take the Winfield Ferry across the Mississippi (as soon as it reopens from the flooding) and go to the great Farmers Market in Brussels. I will also take another trip to Soulard Market in downtown St Louis (hey sis, what are you doing this weekend?)

In the meantime, I am headed up to the sewing room to start putting the binding on the latest Christmas quilt just back from the quilter. She did an amazing job with all-over stars. Then need to piece the back to the next one to take to her on Friday. Maybe I'll have a photo to post tomorrow....

Happy Sewing,


  1. YES!!!!!!! They have lots of stuff -

    Your Sis!!

  2. I bet THE GARDENERS can't quilt worth a darn and you CAN, so don't feel badly about your lack of a green thumb!!!

  3. Oh Pat, They can't, they can't lol....I am convinced that is why they do all that dern

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