Friday, July 25, 2008

I am a Fancy Winner.....

Look at that!! I have been deemed a Fancy Quilter.... Jackmans is a local fabric store and maybe when I signed up for their newsletter I should have proofread my name... LOL

And just take a look at that lucious fabric!! I was a winner over at Quilt Taffy and won these fabulous FQ's. The colors are yummy...

And this morning I won a package from Willow Valley Store. A pattern and cool wood buttons. Can't wait to make these...

Off to take the Rock Star for a haircut....think I will take a before and after photo for you. He says he is getting it cut short. I won't be holding my

Happy Sewing,


He did it!!!

I had to sneak the photo op during the cut. YIIPPEE, SKIPPEE....


  1. Hello Fancy Nancy,
    What lovely fabrics you won. Isn’t it nice to be a winner? And you have been a winner on many fronts. Your daughter graduated from nursing school and your son got a hair cut! He looks very cute with his new haircut. Thank you so much for the encouraging words you left in your comment on my blog. I have picked you to be this weeks favorite blogger. TTFN……..Lilly

  2. Congrats on being a Fancy Quilter! Enjoy your new fabric.

    Do you have an after photo of the Rock Star?

  3. I also have one of those "Rock Stars" with long hair. I never thought I would see hair like they have now again. It's like a long Beetles cut. His hair looks great! I bet you are thrilled. Just found your blog, I love it. :-)

  4. Oops, that should have said I just found your blog through Lilly! Love her blog too. ;-)

  5. we always knew you were really "fancy"! great cut!


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