Monday, July 21, 2008

Just summer stuff....

Nothing exciting going on around here.. This weekend DH did some drywall and sanding in the garage. Of course, being a guy, he didn't clear out the garage first so now there is a fine white powder all over everything. Tomorrow it is supposed to really cool off, so I will get out there and sweep and clean. We will have to prime and paint in the next few weeks or when the heat is gone....My car registered 103F yesterday afternoon. That is just ridiculous.....I am not a big fan of summer. I would love to have spring and then right into fall.. I will even take a mild winter with snow and no ice. I wonder if that place exists in real life...

Sunday, my sister and I went to see MaMaMia....If you get the chance GO...If you don't get the chance GO yourself if you have to. I was amazed at the talent, the songs, watching Pierce Brosnan sing(ok, he can't sing, who cares?). Don't leave when you think it is over. They start the credits, but then the fun begins with a concert by all of the actors IN SPANDEX, no less!! two words - HIL ARIOUS!!!! We laughed, we cried, we sang (mostly to ourselves, but not always).
This is one movie I would pay to see again. I would buy the DVD to watch over and's wonderful..

On a sewing note, I have finished block one of my redwork basket quilt. I had two blocks done in color, but really like the red better. This is A Tisket, A Tasket . I should be further along than block 1, but other things got in the way. I have signed myself up for this as my personal series at Quilt Guild and need to take a block every month to be entered in a drawing. That should be do-able...

I brought home two charity quilts to bind. Hand sewing a binding is one of my favorite things to do. It's so relaxing to sit in the front of the TV and mindlessly stitch.....

I have joined up at Linda'sfor her bag/bucket swap. I have my partner and my idea. Now to get going...I have until September, but really want to do something special so need to think this one through.
My partner has given me no special color choices, which makes it even more difficult. Do I go bright? Thimbleberries? Primitive? soft pink?

Happy Sewing,


  1. We're supposed to get up to 103 tomorrow. I did have ideas of moving the back lawn, but I think I'll forget that idea. Check out your partners blog and see what colours she leans towards, that should give you some ideas.

  2. Your redwork block is adorable, and such tiny stitches! The bag swap sounds like fun...

  3. Drywall dust is nasty...gets in and on everything. I'm with you on the's just nasty around here too.

  4. Your block is cute. I haven't touched my stitchery projects in weeks. I really need to get back to them.

    Great story about your shopping trip. Too bad a ticket was involved!

  5. Love your stitchery...what ever you decide to do for your swap partner I am sure it will be just perfect....I have a pattern, but have not yet decided on the fabrics...

  6. Your redwork basket quilt is going to be stunning, I love redwork. Could you tell me the name and designer of your Christmas Quilt #3 in the side bar, I love that quilt. You did a really nice job.


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