Wednesday, September 24, 2008

We make cake....

After a couple of clicks on different blogs, I found this... I know there are many recipes out there, but this is the one I used today.... so this is where I will link...

I watch two elementary age kids after school about 3 days a week. They live across the street so it is very convenient for the parents and it gives me a bit of spending money.

Today when they stumbled into the back door, I announced that M and L would be making their own snack. "What can WE make??" said M and L...

"CAKE you can make CAKE!!!"

So we did.... and it was good....

It must have been a hit, they said they want to cook again tomorrow...Are there any other "in a mug" recipes???

Happy Sewing,


  1. I found that recipe last week, and printed it off myself. Is it worth making? I thought some snowy winter day what would be better then chocolate and coffee!!!

  2. Oh, G and J would LOVE these. And Matt too for that matter. Will have to give them a try!

  3. Love the cake in a cup idea, will have to have a go myself. I love the christmas quilt for 2nd grandchild, what is that pattern would love to give it a go. Happy stitching


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