Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I'm cooking.....

Today is prep day. I am not hosting Thanksgiving dinner this year, but will contribute to my sister-in-laws table. There will only be 6 adults and our sweet baby Abbie this year. One daughter and one son-in-law works. I am in charge of

Hot Rolls Done!
Fried Corn Done!
Homemade Applesauce and Done!

It's all packaged ready to go and there is a HUGE NOTE on the fridge.. Hopefully we won't take off and leave it all here....LOL

I won't have leftover turkey, so I braved the grocery store today and got a bone in turkey breast. I will cook that on Saturday and since no one in this household appreciates a good hot turkey dinner (sheesh, what is with these people!) I will freeze the turkey for sandwiches.

I am off to the sewing room. I want to try and make Abbie some fabric blocks.

Happy Sewing,

1 comment:

  1. Fried corn sounds interesting. Recipe, please? :)

    Enjoy your day tomorrow!


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