Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sorry, no photos...

I took my camera yesterday to the LOG EXPO, but forgot and left it in the truck. Oh well, just imagine a large room filled with lincoln logs.... LOL

So many booths, so many different ways to build a log home. I let DH talk to all the vendors, while I just paged through the floor plans. I love floor plans. I really should have gone to school for architecture... I brought home pages, books and pamplets full of home plans and sat all evening looking at them. DH and I have lived in 13 homes since we married almost 37 years ago. I KNOW what I want for our last home. I look and look at plans and am determined to find the perfect floor plan....

Did you remember to set your clock back? I woke up this morning at 6:15am which is an hour before I normally wake up. I know that I will get a lot done today with that extra hour. I also know that I will be heading to bed one hour early. LOL

Well, I am off to do my chores and then head to the sewing room. I have a few gifts to make today. Tomorrow I am off on a shopping trip with a friend. She is going to look at a new long arm machine and I will be looking at some fabric for yet another Christmas quilt. Wonder who this one will be for?

Happy Sewing,

1 comment:

  1. So did you find a floor plan that you want yet?


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