Thursday, November 13, 2008


We had such a wonderful time. For three days we ate, stitched, ate, stitched and ate. Along the way I took some photos and we talked... Monday we left at 9am and Miss Nancy's DH drove us there, helped us unload and took off. I thought he was going to stay for lunch, but he must have encountered a bit too much estrogen..LOL

We set up our machines and as soon as lunch was over we zoomed...............

This is what Miss Nancy finished...

Sunflower TicTacMo... and that is Miss Nancy on the left!!

1 Christmas tablerunner....

Closeup, cause it has faux binding and you would never believe that unless you see it up close. She cut it to make use of the fabric. Too much math for me!
shoot. Just realized you can't see the faux binding, duh!! Well, click on that other photo to see the faux binding. We love the words FAUX BINDING!!

1 table topper....

And this photo shows why Miss Nancy didn't get anything else finished. We need to start calling her Miss Nancy Pin.... See she PINS...EVERYTHING!! She took it back to her room one night and did all this pinning. I swear we counted 100 pins in that little table topper....

Drum roll please.....Miss Nancy's winner IS.....

Anonymous dated 11/8/08 at 6:58 p.m. (but you aren't Anonymous, you're BEV) ...Email me your address and I will send it on to Miss Nancy....

Now it's MY TURN.......
Here is what I finished....
Bits and Pieces "no name" pattern #271. for my Mom for Christmas. Since bringing it home I have decided to add two borders, but that was after so I am counting this as a finish.
UPDATE - The pattern is by Mountainpeak Creations and it is called "Bits and Pieces". You can find it here

A Checked Tote bag...

A Polka Dot tote bag....

Red, White and Black Yellow Brick Road for me... these are the fabrics from my blog header...

And yet another tote bag....

So that is 5 finishes for me...

And my winner is
Send me your address and I will get your cute fabric in the mail tomorrow...

So that's all folks....Thank you all for guessing. Come back tomorrow to see a fabulous quilt show... I have photos of ALL the projects by the other 21 retreaters.....

Happy Sewing,


  1. Congratulations to the winners!!

    Miss Nancy

  2. Oh yipee I I told you , you were a speedy. Thanks heaps will shoot off an email now.

  3. Very Nice!!
    I love all of it!!

    Your Sis

  4. I knew you'd finish all five but darn if I could believe! You are one mean, piecing machine! My jaw is still on the, you're good! You go girl!

  5. Congrats to the winners!!! But Nancy, couldn't you have squeezed out one more tote bag so I could have won? lol!!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....