Saturday, December 6, 2008

To my OLDER sister!!!

Have a wonderful day with your daughter being pampered.....

From your younger sister,


  1. OK - you must now blog about what actually happened today and about what has been happening behind the scenes!!

    For all - my sisters are pretty great - they organized for, cooked for, shopped for, invited for, set up for, cleaned up after a surprise Birthday Party for me.

    Oh- there's more - Nancy, you must tell them the venue for this great party!!!

    So THAT is what has been going on behind the scenes!


    And you must beg her to post a photo of her gift to me - I will leave the honor to her.

    Your Sis - Carolyn

  2. I was going to post this a.m. to ask how the party went, but I can see from Carolyn's comment that it was quite an exciting day....can't wait to see photos and hear more from you about the day, Nancy!!! And...Happy Birthday, Carolyn.

  3. Pat - looks like "everybody" knew but me :)

    I'm sure she's resting this morning - she worked hard yesterday!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....