Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hard at work....

The other day while DH was watching FoxNews and searching ebay, I decided to try my hand at sketching a little quilt. I have it all sketched out, figured yardage and block sizes and yesterday got sewing ...

Here is a sneak peak.

I bought this fabric for a diaper bag that never got made. There are 24 blocks made out of little less than 2 yards of fabric. Today I am off to see "Bride Wars" with my sister. We will then do a little fabric shopping for another couple of yards to go with the blocks.

Hope to show the finished top next week.

Happy Sewing,


  1. Such pretty fabric. Can't wait to see what you get to go with it--not to mention what it looks like when finished!

  2. How wonderful that you are coming up with the design yourself. Enjoy the movie (and give us a review, okay?) and also can't wait to see this quilt as you move along with it.


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