Saturday, January 10, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS....a couple of weeks late

Today is our Christmas celebration with my in-laws. Of course first thing this morning I made my trip to the eye doctor. This is getting ridiculous and fairly expensive. I have a $30 copay every time I go. With scrips I am up to almost $250 for the week. Nice huh?? Guess I won't be doing any retail therapy next week.
The news today was better. The ulcer has almost healed over and after talking it over, we have decided that this apparently started last Dec. or even earlier. I went to my annual Endocrinologist appt Dec 3rd. I complained of dry eyes. He prescribed Lacri-lube each night. It's a thick Vaseline ointment that soothes the eye overnight. It worked for a few days and then my eye (and my right eye was always the worse)would start feeling dry again. Then a couple of weeks ago, I went to my general practitioner complaining of large infected lymph nodes in my neck. According to her they "were very impressive" and I was put on an antibiotic. The lymph nodes cleared up fine. Now thinking back we think that I actually had the beginnings of Ocular Herpes Simplex in December. If we would have known it wouldn't have gone quite this far. Live and Learn.... The eye doctor sees me again on Monday and has hopes of seeing the ulcer completely healed... Keep your fingers crossed for me..

Can't have a post without a photo, so here are the coconut cupcakes I baked for today. Don't you just love the red and white striped cake plate? A regift from my sister. The cake plate came with matching mugs and 6 white dessert plates and 6 red ones. I love them

Happy Sewing,


  1. I am hoping your eye will be totally healed when the eye doctor next sees you. YUMMY-looking cupcakes.

  2. I hope that your eye is better soon. You could regift the plate too. I love it!

  3. Hi-came to your blog thru Lynette Anderson's. Love all your quilts-you are so ambitious. No problems with fussing about your grandkids since I do that too! I wish I could get hold of one of your cupcakes right now, YUM. Nerm

  4. Those cupcakes look so yummy! I love coconut! The plate is cute too! Hope your eye is all healed soon!

  5. Hi Nancy!
    I just heard about your eyes on Pumpkin patch. I am so sorry. I hope everything is getting better! I went through that once and it was the worst thing in the world for me. Time heals everything they say. But my elephant mind doesn't forget! Your already in my nightly prayers, get better soon!!!
    I still have those handicap needles if you need them??? But the recipe for the coconut cupcakes will be the cost!!!


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