Thursday, February 5, 2009

but, I didn't win.......or did I?

Don't you just love contests? I love filling out the forms and keeping my fingers crossed to see if they pick me...

Bren had a contest a little bit ago and I did what every good blogger does. I left a comment (witty of course!) and crossed my fingers. Well, it seems that Linda had the same idea. She left an equally witty comment to rival mine and the fun started. We left comment after comment and finally the day came. Fingers crossed, I sat down at the computer and lo and behold, neither one of us won!! Dog gone it.... Well we were happy for the winner....

Then yesterday, this is in my mailbox.

and when I open it, I find this.....

Can you read the note? If you click on the photo it will come into focus.

So, I guess in the end I WON!!! Thanks Bren... I know exactly what I am going to do with this beautiful purple fabric...

Off to Redwork Club. We are meeting at one of the members homes. She just built a new writing/quilting studio and I hope to get photos....

Happy Sewing,


  1. How very nice of Bren do show her appreciation for the fun you gave her on her blog! Lovely fabric....what ARE you going to do with it?

  2. Ok so what's your plan for the fabric, you spoilt rotten girl!!!!!

  3. How lucky you are and what a fantastic person Bren is.

  4. Hey, you guys were fun just when I needed it!! You can't buy that kind of entertainment!!!

  5. Nancy, Now that’s the way to NOT win a contest! LOL Isn’t it funny when things like that happen? LOL Love the fabric as well. Know we’ll be seeing something great come of it. ~Shelly~

  6. Nice to have a laugh...nothing better ...and Bren obviously appreciated it....what a nice "consolation prize"!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....