Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hazardous Waste....

Tuesday is trash day in this household. My normal routine is to wait until the Rock Star gets home and then I tell him to load up all the trash upstairs and down and haul it out to the curb. The trash man comes very early in this neck of the woods. Normally he is here and gone by 5:30am. In fact, we missed a couple of times when we first moved here...

So today, I had some errands in town. I finally got it all together around 9am and after getting dressed decided that I better maybe press? the shirt I am wearing? It was pretty wrinkled.. ;-0 Turn on iron, turn shirt inside out, press. Fairly easy...Flip it over my head, put my arms in and


I pulled that shirt off so quick I dropped it. Something is burning!! my back!! Hurts!! Pain!!
Oh no, I think....I was working with fusible and I got some on my shirt...I have burned my back with glue.. but wait, I check the my hands all over it...there isn't anything on fusible...nothing...

Hm....wonder what happened. I have a big red spot on my back and it still hurts...

Then I spot it them.. 4 my sewing room! Luckily I am not allergic to bee/wasp stings so I am fine now. But, boy it sure hurt like heck. I killed them all. Don't tell PETA...

So today, I decided to take the trash out by myself... can you blame me? It was considered hazardous waste!!

I'll be sewing today, but I will checking the room first...

Happy Sewing,


  1. YIKES.....NO fun to get stung by them. I hope the stingers didn't stay in your back...sometimes they need to be pulled out, don't they? If it is still sore in a day, I'd see if DH or your sister (or your doctor) can look and see if a stinger is stuck in there.

  2. you wouldn't make a good buddhist either, glad you're not allergic.

  3. I thought it was to early yet for wasp, but I guess not. Good thing your doing o.k. Wounder how they got in your sewing room. I would have what ever hole they used to get in sealed.

  4. OMG!! How awful! I would have been yelling so loud you would have heard me in Missouri!!!!

  5. Ouch!!!!
    Bet you were wide awake after that :)

  6. Oh OWIE! You poor thing! Those stings HURT. I got stung last and it isn't fun.

  7. You know it must be the time of year because we had two in the kitchen the other night. My oldest son has bad reactions so they had a short life at our house too.

  8. Ouch! I hate wasps. I'm glad you're not allergic to them.

  9. Oh my!! That is terrible. Hope you don't have any kind of reaction!

  10. Oh my!! That is terrible. Hope you don't have any kind of reaction!

  11. OMG they are SOOOOOO bad I swell up into big hot welts......takes days to settle down.........I am feeling you pain...........but HOW did they get inside???

  12. We have wasps and bumble bees here. In the Spring and Fall we keep the doors open so we have learned to look for them and how to "herd" them back outside. I do admit, though, that I have used the electric fly swatter on those I can't herd.

  13. OMG! Now that sucks! Did you swell up like a balloon? Does it still hurt? OUCH! Hope you're better soon.

  14. This is scary! My son is allergic to the toxin in the bites of bees & wasp so such tales give me chills ! (hey! it rhymes!)


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