Wednesday, April 8, 2009

In the mail....

Lorraine has probably thought I forgot about her. I promised to get these made last week and in the mail, but that didn't happen. I could give you lots of excuses reasons....but none of them would be true. I just plain didn't get my butt to the sewing room and make them.

Well, as of this morning, they are in the hands of the post office. Watch the mailbox Lorraine!!

I really like this pattern, very quick to make up and can be used for so many things... Great for those of us with zipperphobia...

Happy Sewing,


  1. I love red and I love polka dots so I love these pouches. They look handy and would make nice gifts.

  2. Oh exciting!! I can't wait - thank you so much - I will try not to stalk the postman! LOL


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