Sunday, April 26, 2009

Paducah, Day 2.....

Up early and breakfast at the hotel. We signed a list to be notified for next years show. AQS is cautioning quilters not to make any reservations that are not refundable. The contract for next year hasn't been signed (as of publication date) Oh, doesn't that sound I'm really published....LOL

So today we decided to start downtown. We figure the buses will be letting out about 10am at the Convention Center most quilters will head there first, by the time we are finished downtown they will be finished and we can all trade!! (talk about a run-on sentence)...

Well, let's quickly detour... As we were on the way downtown we passed Eleanor Burns tents. She has a large area with sale fabrics and her quilt patterns and she gives a talk 3 times per day. We decided to have a quick stop and check it out. So, I am not an Eleanor Burns fan, so this was more exciting to me...

Sulky training....Very interesting.. If I knew how to upload a video, I would show you .... anyone??

Ok, NOW downtown...

The Paducah School of Art....

All handmade,hand painted tiles....and they were put up there by hand...

Lots of neat buildings. Lots of antique stores. Some store fronts rented out to vendors.
Um... my sister-in-law got stuck in the antique stores. Me...Not interested. So we decided to have an early lunch and split up.

We ate here.. on the top floor of that little tree house area. The wind was really strong that day and it felt like the whole tree house was swaying... My SIL commented that she felt like she should have taken her anti-nausea meds...

This was our view at lunch. The National Quilt Museum. They had a special exhibition of the 24 quilts that have won since AQS started. Of course the 25th was displayed at the convention center as it had just won...

So lunch is over, but wait...not before we see QUILT MAN...On a Segway...just close your eyes and imagine.....

A man

in tights

with a cape

made from a quilt....

sorry no pic...he was really fast...and I never saw him again. Probably just as well!! I might have thought the heat got to me..

So off to the Convention Center I go with magic wallet in hand... What, you don't know about the magic wallet? Let me tell you. It's one great thing to have. No matter how much money I spent, I still had money left! I never got to the end of the cash! I brought money home!! Of course, no one knows but me and you, so don't tell.... I think a LQS is gonna get a couple of visits soon...

I hit the vendors one more time and saw some stuff I had missed the first day... imagine that!!

So, back to meet my SIL, but wait...what's that??

Yea, totally hitting that sale!! Ok, NOW we meet SIL...

She is done...I am done... I am ready to head home...

We limped to the car, her satisfied with a few antique aprons, a copper bracelet, a copper ring and I with


Yea, I did good...

This afternoon is the baby shower for my niece.. I hope she likes the quilt and diaper bag. It's all wrapped and sitting in the front seat of the car.

Hope to get some pictures...

Happy Sewing,


I forgot to show you what I made... I already used some of the fabric in that last photo.

A new purse!!


  1. OMG, I would have hit all the places you did - but would have definitely gone into the antique shops, and skipped the too high lunch !!! I would have loved to watch the sulky racer (instead of eleanor)- since I am trying to train my mini horse to a cart - need all the help I can get!! Great tour- thanks!!!

  2. Hmm nice purchases, I'm amazed that, that's all you got!!!!

  3. done good, girl!!!

  4. Sure sounds like fun. Love that purse!!

  5. I used to watch sulky races when I lived in Detroit. Long time ago. Thanks for sharing all the pictures of you trip. Love the new purse!

  6. Busy and quilt man? What a day you had!

  7. Thanks for the laughs. You are too funny! BTW< I DID see the Quilt Man on another blog and I just had to laugh because I didn't know he was "all over the place", I thought he was a random sighting.
    Now, I have to say that you have to work on your shopping power there Missy. If I were hanging out with you and that's all you bought I'd have a really bad guilt trip. Just something to think about, LOL!
    But that bag you mad is the bomb! Gorgeous! Love it! Need one...I mean, hope you enjoy it, hahahaha!

  8. Hey Nancy -

    Tell us how much of each fabric you bought!! I must have been looking at the picture wrong.

    Here I sat thinking you'd been so impossibly good buying only fat quarters and fat eights. I couldn't possibly have been!! I'd have had eight 3 yard cuts, fabric to make two full size quilts, 7 yards of a fabric that "spoke" to me, 6 books, 9 individual patterns, 3 quilt kits, new tools (toys) etc etc etc..........

    THEN I saw the fabulous new purse (love the fabric!) and knew I'd misjudged the amounts shown in the photo!!

  9. I LOVE your new purse!!!! And of course all your pictures :-) Lucky you to go to Paducah. One of these days I will get there.


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....