Monday, May 4, 2009

How I spent my Summer Vacation Weekend....

Remember my post "I'm not a shopper"? Well, I'm not a gardener either, but this weekend DH, the Rock Star and I worked in the front yard.

First we went to Lowes, Michael's and Target (Michael's and Target have nothing to do with gardening, but they are close to Lowes and I had a list). We wanted needed to do something to the front yard. We are going to be run out of the neighborhood if we don't do something soon...:- )

So here is the before photo of the left side of the front of the house. Please cover your eyes if you are a gardener because this is just plain sad... There used to be four bushes out there. Only two hardy ones survived our feeble attempts. I figure they are gluttons for punishment.. and lordy look at that grass. You would think we could at least grow grass for goodness sakes. But no, we can't do that either. {heavy sigh}

After.. Not much better, but the best we folks can do. Please don't laugh. That bush on the left is supposed to be hardy, fast growing and pretty indestructible. We will see..

So, now to the sewing room, where I know where everything is and I know how to use it!!

Happy GardeningSewing,


  1. I like the little brick flowerbed you built. I'll cross my fingers your bushes will flourish and thrive! You did a good job.

  2. Looks great!! I love the brick wall!!!

  3. oh Nancy - I am with you...if it wasn't for the Prince we wouldn't have any garden..he is a marvel.....I like to look at a nice garden but have no idea (read for that "inclination") to garden!

  4. Wow - That looks great!! I Love It!

    And so you don't think you are the only one in the family with no "gardening gene", I kill Cactus!!


  5. Hey yet another thing we have in common! I don't do gardening either...but the pressure from the m-i-l makes me make an effort...

  6. Looks awesome, love what you did!!!!

  7. Boy do I understand. I love looking at and even buying plants. But planting and taking care of them is something else. I just apologize to plants when I bring them home.

  8. What lovely terracing you created. I love to garden & my husband is the terrace/garden edger ... great job.
    Pop over & take a peek at our gardens.

    Happy planting!
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  9. Me too, I like it, I like it! Very cute!


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