Sunday, June 21, 2009

Let's count....

If you are supposed to add 1 1/4 cups of water to the Angel Food cake mix, DO NOT...I repeat...DO NOT...fill the little measuring cup up to the 4 ounce mark FOUR(4) TIMES and then add 2 more ounces.


Well, I put it in the oven anyway so we will see what happens. But, I fear a trip into town for another mix is in my future. Oh well, we need a new toaster since ours didn't survive the drop onto the wood floor yesterday, and maybe I should get something to cover my grays so I don't scare startle little children...

UPDATE-The cake was so runny it poured out the bottom of the angel food cake pan all over the bottom of the oven and burned. I turned off the oven, dumped the cake, cleaned the oven floor and made a new cake..... The new one is now cooling and will be ready for strawberries and cool whip after dinner..

We are having a quiet Fathers Day here. It is warm outside and nice and cool inside so guess where we are... Hubby got a new tool so he is downstairs playing with that, while I screw up the cake.

Pancakes with strawberries and bacon was on the breakfast menu with steaks, baked potatos and fingers crossed Angel Food cake with more strawberrries and Cool Whip for dinner...

Yesterday Miss Nancy and I took advantage of a free (read, it only cost me $33) class at the LQS. We were making a wallet and in two hours got quite a bit accomplished although neither of us finished. We spent more time talking and redesigning the pattern...LOL

Afterwards we decided to go the Bread Co for some much needed lunch. So, we are sitting at a table calmly eating our soup (Miss Nancy) and salad (me) when I glance up and see someone hightailing it out leaving the store. Now, granted I only saw her back. But there was something familiar about that bobbed hair and those jeans. GUESS WHAT??? It was a Sharon Spotting. I realized that we had picked HER St Louis Bread Co!! Right by her house. I was sure it was her, so when I got home I emailed her and asked if she had by chance been there around 2ish....

YES....I wish I would have yelled, but I might have spit strawberries everywhere...
I do need to start carrying my camera...You never know when you might see someone famous!!

Need to unpack from class yesterday and get the sewing room in order. I am supposed to be play ketchup this weekend (see that button on the left?). But I fear it won't happen. There is too much to ketchup on and I don't have the energy or inclination today....

Happy Sewing,


  1. So, you made angel food pudding - I'm sure it was tasty!! LOL

  2. sure to let us know how the "CAKE" turned out, okay? That sure was an expensive wallet you made at that free class....$33......LOL

  3. Well..there you go you never know who you will see when you are out and about!Hope the cake turned out ok at the second attempt...I was making cupcakes the other week and it was late and I was tired....but couldn't work out why they didn't turn out very well...they were crumbly and just didn't look right....I went over the recipe in my head....eggs.....of course I put the eggs in .....but then why were they still on the counter! Can you believe it..I have been making cupcakes "forever" and forgot the eggs....LOL....take two and they turned out ok ...! I love the fact that you knew it wasn't right but went for it anyway!....hope you get some stitching done!

  4. I need to know where that LQS is. And I need to know NOW!!! lolol
    Then you'll see me there and maybe say hi!! :-)
    That breakfast sounded yummy and so did dinner. How was it??
    Boy is it ever HOT here today, matter of fact the whole dang week has been hot!! We're not in CA anymore.

  5. Angel food cake challenged...oh well I'm sure the second attempt was wonderful.

    I enjoyed the post.



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