Friday, July 3, 2009

ah....friday evening....

And the kids are all bathed and ready for bed. i stopped at Walmart this afternoon and bought 4 yards of black twill and made room darkening panels for the guest bedroom. Do you think they might sleep longer than 5am?? I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Right now this is their quiet activity before going to bed....

Ava's favorite movie of all time is on TV tonight. Da Wizzer of the Oz....

What the kids are saying as the movie starts....

Did you know that Dorfe has ruby slibbers??

Toto is the better dog...

I'm gonna get a new dog and name it toto. did you know that gramma?

My snowman doesn't have a face. (she is using the winter pillowcase lol)

I brought my princess nightlight. can we use it tonight in the dark...

Oh Oh the tornado is starting....better get back to the movie...



  1. How sweet :)

    Cherish it forever ♥


  2. Room darkening shade probably won't work any better then when I set the alarm clock back by an hour. The stinkers know they can't get up until 7:00.
    The clock trick hasn't worked yet.

    Last saturday at 4:30AM I had to go over to take care of the boys while their Dad was taken to the ER. I was asleep on the couch when they came out of their room to watch TV. When I rolled over and they saw me, the 5 yr old told his brother looks it's Grandma, we got a substitute!

    Enjoy the grandkids!

  3. So...did they sleep any later this a.m.??? :) I think the only way to accomplish that is to put up with NO naps during the daytime and to get them REALLY tired and then you might get an extra half-hour of sleep out of them in the morning....but is it worth it to have NO naps the day before? LOL

  4. Precious!

    I put a room darkening shade (navy blue towel) over my window yesterday in hopes that DH would sleep in this morning......didn't work-a lifetime of getting up early! Hope your's works. DD has them on her kiddo's windows and is very happy with them.

  5. Aww, they sound darling! What fun!


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