Thursday, August 27, 2009

don't do it...


Don't click on this link....

Isn't it pretty though...I really like the dawn colorway... I warned you..

Back tomorrow with the final count of finished projects. Keep leaving your guesses.. realizing that there are only so many numbers to pick from it's ok to pick a number that someone else has already picked.... Of course it ISN'T fair to pick a number if you were sitting across from me at retreat and saw what I finished!! LOL

Happy Sewing,


  1. Okay...if we can pick a number that is already picked, then put me down for 5...since that is what I originally wanted to pick, okay?

  2. I like the midnight colorway...oh, thats right we weren't suppose to look.....!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....