Sunday, September 27, 2009

busy and can't see....

I am having company for supper today. Second daughter heard that first daughter invited herself for spaghetti dinner, so second daughter and family are coming today at noon for, you guessed it, spaghetti dinner. Along with my sister (Aunt Cupcake), who second daughter invited and maybe a couple of surprise guests if they ever decide to answer their cell phone.

I'm telling you, hubby's spaghetti is famous around these parts!!

Yesterday morning, hubby and I were headed off to a "meeting" around 9am. We drove right through the little town where my eye doctor is and as we were driving by, I used my cell phone to call them and make an appointment for Monday. I am starting to have symptoms of that horrible ocular herpes I had at the beginning of this year. Well, we got about 10 miles away and they called me back. "Um"...the girl says... "the Dr. doesn't want to wait to see you until Monday." "Can you come in today?" So, we turned around and went back to the eye doctor (missed the meeting AND the $50 GCard for attending) and Yea, I have once again aggravated myself and have ocular herpes. Dang it...
This could get expensive. The meds alone were over 100 bucks and that's with insurance. There goes any fabric shopping in the next week or so.

So I can't do any sewing, no applique, no stitching. I should be able to machine sew by tomorrow night. I don't have an ulcer on my eye ball this time. I caught it before it got that bad, so I am hoping it will be cured just as fast. It's exactly in the same place I had it before which is good, because that means it followed the same nerve and I only have one affected and not a new one. You know how you always get a cold sore on your mouth in the same place? That's because the virus follows the nerve to that spot. Same thing.

So I thought I would leave you with this funny video.

Tonight is Homecoming at the Rock Star's high school. I have asked and asked and he says you don't give the girlfriend a corsage. You just take a bouquet of flowers which he will pick up in town at the local discount store. (if he remembers).. Since I have the boy end of the deal, I won't get photos. And he is wearing jeans and a polo. Guess they don't dress up anymore?



  1. Sorry about the return of the eye condition. Enjoy the family spaghetti dinner, though.

  2. Glad you caught it early hopefully it will heal quick. Enjoy your spaghetti!

  3. I love Jeanne Robertson....she is sooo right with the left-brain thing!! /goos Luck with the eye it painful??


  4. I enjoyed the video, always like a good laugh. I hope your eye heals as quick as you hope and that you enjoyed the spaghetti, sounds pretty good.

  5. It is to early in the morning here to be laughing that hard, but a very good way to start my day!! To Funny!!

    Hope all goes well with your eye!! Take Care!

  6. Hope your eye improves quickly. I love Jeanne Roberson. I have seen her in person a couple of times and she is just a great speaker. Thanks!

  7. Not sure what kind of dance your son is going to, but we always dressed up at our dances. Even if it was just church cloths...Sounds to me like you really enjoy having all the people over for dinner. Enjoy the time you have with them...Looking forward to more of your quilts. Hang in there girl.

  8. Oh how funny the clip was--thank you for thinking of all of us, even while you are having the eye trouble!!! send some spaghetti my way will ya???? enjoy--hugs, Di

  9. Sorry to hear about the eye although it is good that you caught it early this time. Liam had his homecoming last night but they still get dressed up at his school. We had to buy him all new clothes and his date a corsage. Since he cant drive we also got photos!!

  10. Thanks for the video. That was hilarious!

    ttfn :) Yuki


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