Anyway... I called "my Pat" this morning. She said "Nancy?"... "Nancy who?".... Oh she says I picked a good time. But I'm not sure. She told me she left Colorado Sunday night to drive back to Missouri at 9pm. They drove a cargo van 3-4 hours, stopped and slept in a Wal-mart parking lot. At some time in the early morning her hubby decided it was cold. Got up, turned on the van and then I guess he just decided to take off. With her in the back. Sleeping. They drove home. Now they have to leave again and drive the van back to KC then two cars back home. I hope she remembers that I asked her to quilt a baby quilt. I hope she remembers to show up for Redwork group on Thursday... cause that's where I will hand off the quilt to "my Pat" and then wait for the call to come get it. She's my hero. She will know exactly how to quilt it. And it will be perfect.
eye update- I return to the dr this afternoon. This shows you what has been keeping me busy... one eye drop is 4 times a day, one is 6 times a day, one is 2 times a day and then of course add the oral med and I needed a plan....
off to sew....
I'm sure your Pat will show up and the baby quilt will be quilted beautifully. Good luck at the eye doctor today.
Pat slept in the van?????? Wait till I talk to her.....! LOL!
Is that the Pat that you gave me her details? So sorry your eye problem has returned, I can't imagine that it's much fun.
The anticipation is killing me...................................................
Carolyn :)
Grandmother to be!
Thank you Nancy!
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