Tuesday, November 17, 2009

3 machines, 2 friends and 1 weekend.....

Last Thursday afternoon, 2 friends and I drove out to a not-to-far-away resort for a weekend of sewing....

We got lots done, but sadly I only have one photo of a finished project and it's not even my project and really it's not even done... lol

Here's a little peak at our weekend...

our view....

not our condo, but one just like it....

Veronica at the ironing table. Yes we took a 6ft table with us for ironing and cutting....

the almost finished quilt...

Beverly at the table....

Now to finish 4 projects that I got started...



  1. I love that Log Cabin quilt top. Looks vintage.

  2. Holy cow...when did you take those? I don't even remember seeing you with a camera!
    Was a ton of fun....thanks!

  3. what a way to send a weekend...love your quilt...

  4. Looks like you had a great weekend. Love the log cabin quilt. Have a great day.

  5. Oh what fun! I just spent a week with my quilting friend in Ohio. It was so much fun and we both felt like we had a vacation!

  6. That looks like a really pretty place where you went for retreat...nice to have such great views!

  7. I'll bet you had fun as I have been on only 1 quilting retreat and we had a blast. Your quilt is very pretty.

  8. I am jealous. When will we see what you did? That condo looks bigger than the one we stayed in!

  9. Holy crap!!! I never even saw you with a camera. Very, very sneaky. But, thanks so much for inviting me. I had a wonderful time.


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