Monday, January 4, 2010

Some shopping and some winnings....

Took off this morning to have my first appointment with a nutritionist. YIKES... no one told me she would WEIGH me??!!!???? What's up with that??!!! We talked about carb counting and how many carbs I can have and how many carbs I can't have and what veggies I can eat unlimited amounts of and what are deemed "starchy" veggies (corn, peas and winter squash)... I am glad I got a lot of paperwork, cause once I was weighed and it was written down I couldn't concentrate on anything she said. It sounded like Charlie Brown's Mom Whah, whah whah......

Now to get the neighbor lady to start walking with me... she said she wanted to, but I think I will wait until it is a tab bit's like 2 degrees here!! Much too cold to do anything outside...

After getting slammed by the dietitian the meeting, I took off to Hobby Lobby. I needed backing for two of the quilts on my UFO list. I hope to get number 4 pin basted tomorrow.

Home again to figure out why the blasted ink cartridge won't go into the printer. It took two of us a half hour before we realized we needed to turn the dang thing off and back on so a little flap would go away and we could take out the old one and insert the new one. I was ready to insert the new one into someones butt over the phone for awhile there...

Oh yea....the winnings part of the post...

I WON a years subscription to Patchwork Posse. This is going to be fun..
Becky explains it much better than I do...

It is a customizable sewing group!! Each month there will something wonderful happening there. There will be projects, interviews with designers, and patterns that are made specifically for the group and are not available to the public!!! Everything there is done at your own pace, at your own time and in your own home! Do you want to see what kinds of things we will be doing?

Check out the monthly schedule below- and a few extras listed that Patchwork Posse will also have available to members:

* Block of the Month
* Mystery Quilt Pattern
* UFO challenge
* Give aways and Drawings
* More than 14 exclusive patterns
* All projects are available to us 4 months before released to the public.
* Forum for us to build friendships and share.
* Flickr group for show, tell and share.

I hope it's ok that I just "lifted" that from her blog.. I couldn't have said it any better myself...

Oh, I also won something else, but I will have to show you tomorrow. It's dark here and I can't take a photo and what's a post without a photo?

Deer Abbie....ha ha get it....DEER know...oh well, forget it..



  1. What a cute picture! Congrats on your win :-)

  2. CUTE picture and give yourself time to let the nutritional info sink in. I went with hubby to the nutritionist when he was diagnosed with Type II diabetes and we did find it interesting and helpful AND, actually, we all could stand to eat that way!!! Once you get the hang of it, it's really not that bad. Great win you got, too!!!

  3. Oh Nancy! You do make me laugh! Take it easy, be gentle on yourself, and enjoy those wins! You deserve them! What a little cutie 'deer Abbie' is!

  4. So glad you finally got in to see a nutritionist. We've been worried about you.

  5. Can't wait to hear all about getting your UFO's completed. And I hope you don't find any more that are hiding in your sewing room! Happy New Year!

  6. I can't stop laughing. Between the diet nazi and the printer..hahaha. I feel your pain.

    If that isn't the cutest thing..Abbie. I could just pinch her. I want one!!! A Grandbaby in a reindeer antler no less.


  7. Hi Nancy,
    Congratulations on your win. It sounds most intriguing. Good luck with the nutritionist, I'm sure you win find it all worthwhile. Always a good move to go fabric shopping.
    BTW Cute Deer :)
    Glad you liked my last post :)
    Hugs, Sharon

  8. Little Deer Abby is adorable!!!
    And why would you torture yourself and go to a nutritionist. Really you should have confided in me first. I could have talked you off the cliff. lolol Of course they WEIGH you. lolol
    Hang on I think I see the Alberta Clipper coming.

  9. You are so witty and entertaining! My husband was diagnosed diabetic . . . hmm, 3 yr ago? I won't kid you, a big chunk of the first year was miserable - we were BOTH frustrated -- but it does settle down to a routine and now counting his carbs is second nature and it's no big deal at all. Keep away from stress, that hurts you more than anything. Yeah, be happy, go shopping, stress free! haha


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....