Friday, January 29, 2010

there oughta be a song....

Put your right foot in,
Put your right foot out,
Put your right foot in
and swish the brush all around....

You do the Hokey Pokey and you get a clean floor

That's what it's all about....



  1. It works huh. Might be better than clogging the vacuum brushes.

  2. Nancy, you are my hero...this is a great find and I thank you for sharing's another song......I'm going to swish that thread right off of the floor......I'm going to swish that thread right off of the floor....hehehehehehe
    Take care.

  3. Oh, you and Rhonda make me laugh, I cant think of a song but thanks for the tip.

  4. Cute cute....but I would sing it when I am doing the toilet and add the last line....
    "you do the hokey pokey and you clean the toilet bright!" lol...I hate toilets...


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