Monday, March 1, 2010

looks simple, huh?

Then why did I keep making
not 1 mistake.... fabric doesn't cover seam allowance on that far left corner

not two mistakes... um.. the colors are not supposed to match..they are supposed to be opposite each other.

Not three mistakes... oh the points don't match cause there is a pucker in the white fabric

Not four mistakes... yea, once again the fabric isn't long enough to go into the seam allowance

But FIVE mistakes... um,, I seem to have a problem with my fabric being too small!!

And then when I finally gave kind of worked... Notice the two light fabrics are not the same. This is one half of the first block and the one half of the second block. Yea, I made all those mistakes on just two different blocks. And yes, I now see that the points once again do not match..

And this is what is on my design wall.

I am not fixing it again. I am done. really. in the whole scheme of things it is only one block and no one else will notice it. and you can keep a secret? right?

Do I dare start a new block? I'm kind of scared...

This block is part of the Civil War Love Letters (by Rosemary Young) quilt that I am paper piecing with a group at a LQS.


  1. Ahhhh, the joys of paper piecing....! Actually it looks great.....don't stress over it! No one will notice but you.

  2. I agree...don't stress. Looks fine. I always seem to have trouble with the size of the fabric piece...I either have it way tooooo big (waste) OR not big enough...

  3. You are right - no one will notice when you put the whole quilt together. I am having the same kind of problem today but I think it is a pattern problem, not a sewing one. At least that is the story I am sticking with.

  4. I really struggle with the technique of paper piecing, but I love the results!

  5. Once I learned the Carol Doak method of PP, I love it. I think your block looks fabulous.

  6. I paper piece not often but often enough......I say it looks fine and yes, jump into the next paper piecing block with gusto...go for can do this!!!!! That's your pep talk from me!!!

  7. I agree it is fine in the big scheme of things. Thanks for sharing your trials and tribulations---PP is so difficult for me (I have left/right issues) but the results are so nice, every once in a great while I'll try it again.

  8. Great block. I agree that no one will notice, especially when quilted. If someone find that in all the blocks you are making, they are the official quilt police.

  9. A very wise quilter once said to me "If a blind man on a galloping horse wouldn't see it neither will anyone else."

    That has become my motto.

  10. The fabric for this is fantastic! I have never paper pieced but I make mistakes all the time with regular piecing. One thing I don't like is when you have cut everything perfect, used exactly 1/4" seam allowance, and then press and the block is totally crooked! I wouldn't stress over the seames not quite matching. Kudos to you for sticking with it. If it were me, I would have switched to another project by now! LOL.

  11. It's a beautiful block. The Amish deliberately put a mistake in their quilts, they believe only God is perfect. This can be your "Amish" block.

  12. Ah yes...I understand the frustration! Turned out great though! I always say to myself that if I am even the least bit wondering if the piece of fabric is big's not!

  13. You were having such a good run with the pp it was bound to happen. The blocks look great and no one will notice!

  14. I love your post!! I struggle with PaperPeacing all the time!!!! It is good to know I am not alone!!! But, having said that, the only way I got through my first project doing this, was a wise friends words, who Paper Pieced all the time, take it slow, and take your time, and remember to make sure the material covers the paper.......
    Your block is really nice, and you can do this. Breathe!! Just remember to breathe!!! And you will get this block done!!

  15. I too share your frustration with paper piecing. But when it works it's wonderful.

    The block looks lovely BTW

  16. Hi Nancy,

    It looks great...only you will know :)

    Hugs, Sharon


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