Wednesday, April 28, 2010


there I was minding my own business...

and it happened...

Most nights hubby and I go to bed and read for about an hour.... well, I read for about an hour...he usually lasts about 10 minutes..

Sunday night was no different. I was laying on my back reading "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett.

Hubby reads on his right side. All of a sudden he rolled over to my side and slammed right into my rib cage... brought me to tears...and that doesn't happen very easily..
He finally convinced me to see the nurse practitioner this afternoon and she ordered a chest xray. That was 1:30pm so I kind of thought I would know something by now, but guess I will find out tomorrow if I have a cracked rib or not. The funny thing is that there is NO bruise! No swelling! No nothing! Just intense pain..and it's hard to sit or lay down. I even had to stop sewing this afternoon as it hurt to sit at the machine.
I did get all 9 rows on the red and white single Irish Chain and have it folded waiting to be quilted. It will have to wait until I get a commission quilt done. Which is already started after finally getting 10 yards of Kona Snow at Hobby Lobby yesterday with my 40% off coupon...

I'll keep you posted if you are interested...

PS Kristin - this IS the true story no matter what you want to think.....
PPS - That's NOT my cxr up there... just a google image.


  1. I have had two rib injuries in my life and the pain is incredible AND it's hard to even find a way to sleep comfortably....I often had to just lie back a bit in a reclining chair. There is also very little they can do for rib injuries. I wish I could be more encouraging but I suspect you will have a rough time for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks (depending on the extent of the injury).

  2. OH sweetie - I'm so sorry! I've had broken ribs and yikes - it IS painful. No, I mean no laughing for you for the next few days. And if you feel like you have to cough - brace yourself before you do. It will get better, it just takes time unfortunately :( Sending cyber hugs your way!

  3. Ouch! it hurts just reading about it. Keep us posted. You are quite a girl - quilting through that kind of pain. I know a girl has got to do what a girl has got to do. Take care of you.

  4. Oh hope you feel better soon!
    LOL my DH is a arm flinger in his sleep too!

  5. ummm..I might be thinking exactly what Kristin is thinking....LOL!....

  6. I can't wait to hear what he's gonna do to make up to you...just sayin'....he did "accidentally" bump into you in bed, and you are in pain...lets dinner??? FABRIC??? yep I think it's the last one...

  7. He must have got you at just the wrong angle, poor guy probably feels really awful. Make sure you milk that. How do you like the book? I enjoyed it very much. At least if you have to take it easy, you can keep reading.

  8. AHEM! Those kind of acrobatics should be left to the youngin's y'know. At our age we should stick to the "basics"...I'm just sayin', LOL!
    Hope you're better soon. And stop getting so creative with the Mr! HAHAHA!

  9. I've not had a broken or cracked rib, but twice have had one or two pop out of place and had to go see a bone cracker. The pain then was not good at all, so I feel for you. Please let us know what you find out!

  10. Oh Nancy, I hope you didn't! It was GREAT to finally see you in person after "knowing" you for SO long!!!!!!

  11. Oh Nancy, that's a reall 'oh bugger!' moment! Hope you feel better very soon, in the mean time, rest!
    (ps, loved Brenda's coments ... LOL)


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