Saturday, May 29, 2010

announcing....The Winner...

First we must list all the names

Then we must cut them all up

this is my pretty pink box
i know, i'm not a pink lover
but i'm also not one to throw out something just because of the color

these are the scraps that were in the box

Romper, Stomper, Bomper, Boo...

I see Gari and Doris and Osage Bluff Quilter..

I swear...I had to really talk to get him to draw the winner.
He said he couldn't stretch.
He said he couldn't move his arm.
I said he couldn't leave the house.
He drew.

The Winner....

Congrats Trudi, send me your mailing address and I will get it (them?) in the mail on Tuesday.

Thanks everyone for playing the game. I was shocked and amazed that so many of you picked the right number. I must have the smartest readers in the bloggy world.



  1. LOL! It was your wonderful little clue! Congrats to the winner.

  2. Congratulations to the winner. Sorry the son didn't draw my name during his recovery. I would have made him cookies! LOL
    Enjoy the Memorial day weekend.

  3. Your clues were too much fun! Congrats to Trudi and hope we see what she uses the fabric in.

  4. Nancy, you crack me up! Thanks for the giggle.

    ~ Ronda

  5. How did I not win? Your husband, as described in your posts, sounds like he might be related to mine!

  6. Congratulations to the winner.

    Have a great weekend and a great day.

  7. Congratulations Trudi! Yes, very smart readers!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....