a commission quilt
that should have been done by now
but isn't
but will be hopefully this week
but don't hold me to that
doesn't look like much does it?
that should have been done by now
but isn't
but will be hopefully this week
but don't hold me to that
doesn't look like much does it?
It looks like fun, actually, nice to have an easy one to do. btw, How's the rib?
I've received the striped bag, thank you, Nancy! My daughter wants to move in on it, "cool project bag, Mom!"
There you go, it's cool enough for a younger one!
Thank you!
I think the quilt looks fine so far.
sometimes the simpliest settings make the most stunning quilts! waiting to *see* this one! :)
Not yet...but I'm sure you'll make it into something fabulous!
Is it going to be a charm squares baby Quilt? I have a top pieced with coffee fabric for a table topper and am thinking of making one a little bigger!
Ah...hum...who is the big winner now Nancy??? The long awaited Canton Village fatquarter stack has YOUR name on it.
You've got some pretty fabric on your design wall!
May not look like much, but I kinda like the way it looks! Let us see the end result, I think we will really like it then!
i am glad to see that i am not the only one being late on a commissioned item. mine is finally loaded on the quilting machine...but it is waiting for thread! ugh.
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