Thursday, June 24, 2010

like Kim....or "I said STOP!!!"

Together, Kim and I could type... seems she had some surgery on her right hand and my husband just killed my left.

But, I digress...

Our shed was blown down in a straight line wind last weekend. After lunch he asked if I would help him pull up the foundation which is made of wood.. Sure! Why not?

He hooked the chain up to the truck and as I was standing there trying to run to get out of the way he jerked the chain with the truck and the board came loose and knocked me clear off my feet. I had yelled "STOP", but he thought one more jerk would take care of it. It surely did...

Then of course he helped me up and halfway across the yard I fainted... {sigh} I knew it was going to happen, but of course I was down before I could say anything..

Now my left shoulder, arm and wrist are very sore and I have a gouge out of my left ankle that is now bandaged, but hey....

Let's all look on the bright side...

I didn't have to help finish loading the truck!! LOL

typing one handed...


  1. Okay...I stopped....what next?

  2. Oh, now...that is terrible. I hope you are better soon!!! Once in NJ, we had a twister go through and LIFT our shed and depostit it IN our above-ground pool...that was NOT a fun time. BUT...the weird thing is that things in the shed didn't even move....bikes were still standing upright on their kick-stands......very weird day for us.

  3. I hope you are not hurt too badly!!

    You take things easy :)


  4. Stop!!!!!!!!!!! Oh boy, he's got some serious making up to do! LOL Hope you are still able to stitch too! Take it easy Nancy, rest and recover :) hugs x

  5. I am so glad that he didn't do more damage....goodness. Now's the time to look really could earn you something new....I just saying!

    Feel better soon!

  6. I am glad you have one good hand to type with. I hope you heal quickly and that he get out of the doghouse eventually.

  7. Sounds like a nasty accident Nancy....but really - you could have just said you didn't want to finish loading the truck! Hope you are on the mend soon.....and maybe some hearing tests might be in order for hubby?

  8. OMG...bless your heart. I think he owes you big time! Milk it for all it's worth...LOL! Really, take good care.

  9. Ouch! So you and Kim are a little like the jack sprat poem...between the two you have both hands! Thanks for the visit, hope you improve, Tracey

  10. This is a terrible story. I could totally envision my dad doing this sort of thing to my mom. I am glad you weren't more seriosly injured! didn't have to unload the truck. LOL.

  11. Oh My Gosh, if only it would have been a video post.

    Hope you recover quickly. AND he pampers you!

  12. This definitely does not fit in with your to do list Nancy. Hope you are back in the swing of things soon.

  13. Oh Nancy, I hope you feel better soon and on the mend. I love your outlook.

  14. You make me hurt just reading about it. Please take care and hope you are not to awful sore today!!

  15. Sorry to hear that you were hurt. Hope you heal quickly. Winona

  16. I am so sorry to hear of this accident!! I bet your honey feels awful. I'm praying for a speedy recovery, after all, you just shared a list of great to do's. :-} pokey

  17. OMG girlfriend! You are lucky that you weren't hurt any worse than you were. And I do agree that it is time to get hubby's hearing tested. But all of that to get out of loading the truck? Geesh, I think you could have just said "NO I don't want to do this anymore!" But what do we know? As usual, our prayers are with you and hope for quick recovery so we can see the remainder of your to do list get finished this summer. Keep us posted with that one handed typing!--or make hubby type for you.

  18. Those silly men, do they ever listen? Hope you are better soon!

  19. Groan! You poor sweet baby. I hope that he or someone is looking after you. I guess you could say your got wamyed or wamied or I really don't know how to spell it. Pow! Take care of yourself and try not to do too much. You and Kim should rest up together and keep each other company!

  20. Oh my... I hope you are feeling better soon. Hugs!

  21. Oh you poor thing, I'm sure your hubby feels awful about it. Surely it must be worth a new machine or fabric shopping:))

  22. Ouch! I'm glad you're feeling better now!


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