Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Book Review, Giveaway and a Birthday.....

I won this book back in July from Cara of CaraQuilts.. She had been sent the book for review and was willing to share...

I finished reading the book yesterday and really enjoyed it. I have read other Sandra Dallas books ...Tallgrass, Alice's Tulips, The Diary of Mattie Spenser and Buster's Midnight Cafe. She is what I call a "down to earth" writer.. She writes just as she would tell you in person and I like that kind of reading... it's easy..

Since this was a giveaway...I think I would like to keep it going. I will write Cara's name inside the book along with her blog name...and then mine along with the dates. If you would like to read this book and then pass it along, leave me a comment.

I won't draw a name until Friday next week... the 27th..

I will mail Media Mail as it is only a couple of dollars so that will unfortunately limit it to the USA only... sorry my overseas friends...but I mailed something a lot smaller to the UK and it was over $10... that's a bit steep for me right now...

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my FirstBornChild....
some facts about her...

she had a closet full of pink dresses before she was born and this was before ultrasounds and finding out what you were having

her first words were "Cookie Please" as she crawled to the neighbors apartment

she potty trained took me 2 days to figure out what she was doing

she would sit in the playpen for hours with a straw and a pop bead trying to get the straw into the end of the pop bead. she never could do it..

she thought we were only "babysitting" her sister

She was ready for college by age 5...little independent cuss...

One day we were merging into traffic on a major St Louis highway and when someone cut off her daddy she yelled "blow it out your ass"...really loud.. she was 3.
(disclaimer-Her daddy said it mere seconds before she did)

her first day of kindergarten was the same day as her daddy's first day of pharmacy school. Somewhere I have a photo of them on the front porch each holding their supplies...

Love ya....



  1. Oh my gosh I'd love to win. Please throw me into the pot.

  2. I haven't read this book, would love to win and pass it on. Great memories of your first born!

  3. I'd love to win, please! Happy Birthday to your first born. :-)

  4. I really like Sandra Dallas' books, and enjoyed Whiter Than Snow quite a bit.

    Persian Pickle club may be my favorite of hers. You should read it if you haven't already.

  5. Ok - I want to win THIS prize!!! You know how I love to read and you could actually save on postage ;) We could discuss in a small book club setting after I read the book.

    Happy Birthday to Oldest Daughter! I remember visiting in North Carolina and helping right after she was born. Our Dad was so happy to have a granddaughter, wish he could have seen what a beautiful young lady she turned out to be and see all the grandchildren and great children. (Wow, that brought actual tears to my eyes.)


  6. What a neat ideal to continue with the book giveaway.
    And Happy Birthday to the daughter. Sounds like a cute little cuss.
    My 16 month old grand daughter went on the potty 3 times yesterday, That is too young for her to be growing up so fast!

  7. have heard a lot about these books but never read one. this would be a great chance and love the idea of writing your name inside and passing it on. and bet Daddy was careful about what he said after that incident! the little ones pick up everything!

  8. Oh I'd love to read it...and what a great idea to put your name and blog in before you pass it will be great fun to see where it goes.

  9. Must be the day for daughter's birthdays. It's my daughter's birthday today too. Hope they have a great day!

  10. Happy Birthday to your first born! And here's to many more!
    Sandra Dallas is really a good author, down to earth like you said.
    Count me in on the drawing. It would be interesting to see where all the book goes in this Sandra Dallas book pass along.

    Have a super great day.

  11. Happy Birthday to your daughter and I really got a kick out of the memories of her that you listed for us today! Of course you can count me in as wanting to read this book and then pass it along via my blog.

  12. I keep trying to win this book. I love Sandra Dallas' books. It's neat that you want to keep this going, and going, and going!

  13. Oh Nancy, happy birthday to your daughter. She sounds like a wonderful daughter. I would love to read this book, so enter me in the giveaway. I think putting the names inside it, then passing it along is a wonderful idea. I would definitely do the same. Have a good day. Winona

  14. I just read her book review on Alic's Tulips -- I've never heard of the author before, but I know I'm going to have to find her books now!! Please do count me in!! Nancy, this is a terrific idea for paying it forward. If I am picked, I'll do a giveaway with it too! :)

    And a sweet happy birthday to your first born!! May her day be filled with laughter, love, family & friends!! :)

  15. I really enjoy her books. I have read all that I could find in my local library. Have not read this one. You may pass it on to me.

  16. Sounds like a good read -and a good idea - read it and pass it on in a giveaway- count me in!! Happy b'day to your baby girl!

  17. Happy Birthday to your daughter. My first born's birthday was yesterday.

    I would love to read the book and pass it on so please enter my name.


  18. This is a great idea. I would love to read the book & then pass it on. Happy Birthday wishes to your daughter.

  19. Oh, please see my post just a couple days ago...I am giving away the same book! Isn't this such fun!!?

  20. I read a lot and would like to read this one :)

    Happy Birthday to your daughter!!

  21. what a darling tribute to your daughter...time just goes by too fast....I love her spunk!
    I am a huge reader and would love to win this book too and I will be happy to pass it on...Thanks for including me....Happy summer..melinda

  22. I would love to read this book also. Always looking for a good book. Happy Birthday to your first born!

    Hope your phone rang and it was good news!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....