Tuesday, August 31, 2010


A favorite past time of ours is attending auctions.. We used to spend a lot more time at them before we moved...Hubby would buy old furniture, refinish it and resell it at a consignment shop. He is really good at it and it kept him busy..

Now that we are moving, we have decided to start going back to auctions again and last Sunday we found one within 10 miles of home... It was at a nice brick home on acreage with a couple of outbuildings... There were 4 flat bed trailers full of goodies and the first thing I spotted was a full set of Corelle dinnerware. We will need new dishes and even though I'm not a fan of Corelle they don't take up much room and they might be cheap at an auction... Since the dishes were on the third trailer, at the beginning I didn't even walk over and look at the other stuff. And then hubby wanted to look at the tractor and I walked over with him. The auction started and it was one word that caught my attention. "quilt". Then "old crazy quilt" and the price started at $100...then went down to $50...then down to $5 and then it happened. They were selling this quilt for $3....and I couldn't stand it. I raised that paddle so fast I almost knocked down the lady in front of me. No one bid against me and it was mine...

$3... for this......

hand embroidery...

and more hand embroidery....

and what I think is a cigarette silk or maybe it was a bookmark that was given away that says..

Reception and Serenade
Grover Cleveland
St Louis
October 3, 1887

and this is the largest piece.... look at that log cabin...

There are 4 pieces to this quilt... It isn't quilted...so you can see all the stitching on the back as well as the front. The fabric is in really bad shape...Three of the pieces are smaller and I probably will frame them.... I don't know what I will do with the big piece. But at least it is safe..

Oh, I didn't get the dishes...it was too hot and we left before they were auctioned off...



  1. $3 for all the beautiful handwork! It seems almost criminal but I'm glad someone who appreciates it got such a great deal!

  2. I'm glad you rescued that quilt....it makes me sad to see things like that nearly go in the trash because I know someone put many hours of love into that. Now it will have a good home with you!!! YAY!!!

  3. what will you do with it??

  4. What a find!!! I know how you feel about the quilt. A couple of summers ago, at a yard sale, I found a double wedding ring, hand quilted, and in A1 condition for $17.00. I love that quilt, but guess the gal that sold it didn't. I often look at it and try to get it to tell me some secrets, but NOT!! Enjoy your treasure it is so pretty.

  5. Wow! What a lucky find. This is way better then some old dishes.

  6. Okay I see a real problem with you moving to my area. AUCTIONS! LOL

    What a deal you got! It is beautiful! And dated makes it even more special.

    wish I knew you wanted Corella wear. Mom's sold at her auction for less than $20 bucks.

  7. You made someone's Grandma in heaven very happy by buying that quilt. What a beautiful find!

  8. I'm gasping in shock. That may be the deal of the century. Thank heavens no one who knew anything besides you was there.

  9. Amazing quilt and quite a deal! Lucky you. Wouldn't you just love to know its history?

    Don't feel bad about the Corelle dinnerware. You can always find individual pieces at an outlet mall which handles it. Many do. I got the pattern "Calloway" a few years ago and it is so much easier to handle and definitely light-weight. So much easier on my hands and wrists which are overused from all the quilting.

    Good luck with your move...it is a lot of work, but think how organized you'll be afterward.


  10. I love auctions and have gotten some great bargains but I think you got the best deal I have heard about.

  11. this is wonderful.......I would probably make it into smaller things....What a buy!


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