Thursday, September 2, 2010

and now for something new...

Yesterday found me driving 90 miles west to entertain my 2 1/2 yo granddaughter.. Tuesday I got the "daycare is closed" call... I made a little side trip to my youngest daughters work to hand off some books. She and I are the avid readers in the family and she likes the same books that hubby reads.. so we share.. Then off to trade cars with the oldest cause it's easier to trade cars than change car seats in the rain... I picked up bitty baby, took her home, played for about a 1/2 hour and she went down for her nap.... she didn't wake up until her daddy got home. So why am I so tired?? lol Guess I'm old...

I did try something new...

sorry for the bad photo.... it's been raining all day

I have never done any hand applique... I found a tutorial (I will share when the project is finished) and really, really, really liked it.. and knew someone else that would like it..(or else I will keep it!) When I decided to start the leaf, I didn't know much about applique and I didn't want to do any research..I just wanted to START!! I can be patient when I need to, but I didn't need to this time.

So I drew some leaves on sew-able interfacing... put right sides together and sewed on the line.. Then I snipped into the back of the interfacing and turned it inside out... Press, baste and hand stitch... RIGHT?? Is that ok? I hope so, cause it was kind of fun and easy.. :- ) I might need to do some more...

Off to do dishes... hubby left at 4am to fly to Baton Rouge for a what ended up being a 10 minute interview and is now flying back... It might be nice to have a clean house when he gets home.

weather delay...plane didn't leave DFW (dallas fort worth) until 9:20pm to get in about 11:30pm and it will take him an hour to get home .all for a 10 minute interview.. wanna bet he works from home today? and takes a couple of cat naps?



  1. Yippiee on babysitting! Than on trying something new!! And did a great job of it too!!

  2. I was tired reading of your day, so I can understand you were tired from actually LIVING the day!!!

  3. No wonder you're tired! I would be too. Isn't it a joy though, taking care of our grandchildren?


  4. Good on you for trying something new. Looks like you are doing a great job. Looking forward to the finished product. Have a super great stitching day.

  5. It's all that driving that's tiring! It's mentally draining to do a lot of driving -- especially if the weather wasn't optimum! Glad you got to spend some fun time with a grandbaby, though! Precious, precious time! :)

  6. Is beautiful first time appliquing, such tiny stitches, better than a lot of "experinced" appliquers!!!!! I just do needle turn, but this is a great method too! I've heard from others they use used dryer sheets like your method,??results??,never tried it.

  7. I have always wanted to learn needle turn applique'. I look forward to your tutorial.

  8. Wow! What a busy day. Of course you were tired by the end of it. Glad you were able to spend time with the grandbaby, even if it was only for 30 min before she conked out for an extended nap. The applique looks good. Looking forward to coming back and seeing the completed project.

  9. Hi Nancy,

    What a long day, I sure hope the 10 minutes were fabulous :)
    Your leaf looks great.
    Hugs, Sharon

  10. I got my book! I havent gotten a chance to read it yet, but I will soon....Thanks so much and I will let you know what I think of the read!!!! melinda


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