Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Paying it forward....

I stumbled upon Kay Mackenzies' blog over a year ago.  I don't do a lot of applique (and when I do it's mostly by machine!) but I was drawn to her writing style and color choices and quilts...  I realized I can enjoy reading about quilts that I knew I would never attempt...and have been reading every post since.

 A couple of weeks ago, she posted that she had a few extra copies of her book "In a Twinkle, Youthful Quilt Designs".  She invited us to email her if we were a member of a group the made charity quilts for kids.  She very nicely sent me some of the books...  I got 6... I gave one to my quilt guild for their library as we make quilts for Shriner's Hospitals for Children in St Louis.  So far the guild has donated over 600 quilts sized 60"x90".   I gave one to a friend who makes quilts for a group called Love and Hugs..  I gave one each to two other friends that make quilts for charity...and I have two left over...

This book is filled with cute, simple, quick children s quilt patterns...   I would love to send a book to two readers that do charity quilts.   So let's have a "PIF"... and let's make it easy...

  • If you’re a member of a group that makes and donates quilts for kids in need leave me a comment and  in a week I will let the random number generator pick two readers and send you a book.
If you know someone that makes and donates quilts for kids in need, tell them about the giveaway.  I usually don't like to advertise my giveaways, but this is different.  This is for the kids...

Kay wanted me to make it very clear that I didn't "win" these books.  She was nice enough to send them to almost anyone that asked and I would like to thank her for allowing me to Pay It Forward...

And if you are a lover of applique, then click over to her blog and look around...she does beautiful work and has some great pattern books.



  1. I'm going to tell my blogging friend, Tonya, in NC about this since she is the Chapter Coordinator for Project Linus in her area.

  2. Pat (above) told me about this giveaway. I am the Chapter coordinator for Project Linus in Wilkes, NC....I'd love to have this book.

  3. Our guild makes quilts for Project Linus.

  4. Our guild makes quilts for various charities including a local shelter for children. We also donate to Public Safety to give to children in crisis situations. We would love to have a copy of this book. Thank you for sharing.

  5. My guild makes quilts for kids in our local hospital and for the Victim's Advocates associated with the six county sheriff departments that make up our Valley. I personally try to make one quilt a month to donate. If I "win" the book I will donate it to my guild library.

  6. Our guild makes quilts for the local crisis nursery.

  7. Our guild is having a work session on our next meeting day to make quilts to be given by the sheriff and police officers to children when there is an accident, fire, etc. This is the beginning of what will be an ongoing project. We would love to have a copy of the book. Thanks!

  8. Our online forum Quilting Bee does charity quilts for Project Linus and my dear friend Sheryl does some remarkable applique. This book would be great for her.


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....