Tuesday, February 8, 2011

some sewing, some reading and a giveaway...

I really have been doing some sewing over here...  I just can't show it.  The St Louis Modern Quilt Guild has issued a challenge and I am waiting for some Kona cotton to show up in my mailbox.  I finally decided on a background color and ordered it where I always get my Kona... from Jackie at Canton Village Quiltworks.  She carries most of the Kona colors and has fabulous service.  I ordered my fabric last week and when it didn't come over the weekend, I wondered what had happened.   Apparently paypal had accepted the payment, sent me a receipt and then instantly refunded the money to my paypal account ..  I had no idea this had happened, other than I kept getting emails saying my cart still had items in it and would be canceled in 24 hours. hm...  An email to Jackie clued me in...She thought I had changed my mind and canceled my order.  I still don't know why paypal debited my account and then instantly credited it, but my Kona will be on the way today...

I have been doing some more stitching...

This is a little pattern I picked up on Etsy..  It's so dang cute...I am doing redwork on ash gray Kona and will frame it in black ...

WOW...I just remembered I had a hair cut appointment at 9am...so I left and now it's 10:30am and I am back..lol   with much shorter hair...lol

So now on to the giveaway... .  It's a fast read and I enjoyed it.  It follows a recently divorced woman who decides to just take off and open a quilt shop.  I won't tell you more than that...but you can go over to Amazon and read more if you want..

Back on January 3rd, I won this book in a giveaway from another Nanci... I just finished it last night and  I am ready to send it on to another reader.  This will be the 4th time this book has moved on...

First a few rules...
  • .You must promise to pass this book on to another blogger after you are finished reading it
  •  You must have an active blog
  •   I will use media mail so International bloggers are not eligible...sorry...

So how to win...

Simple...leave me a comment that you would like to be in the running.  I will leave it open for a week and then draw a name.



  1. I had to laugh about the haircut - I've done that so many times. Now I set an alarm on my phone to remind me in plenty of time.

    The book sounds intriguing...

  2. Retired hubby keeps reminding me of my appointments. Retirement is good for constant reminders I guess. Love the redwork. The little girls are as sweet as can be.

    Have a great day.

  3. The only thing I love more than fabric is books. I never keep them, but always pass them on. My fabric takes up too much room to have a library too. I love the redwork "littles", so cute. My daughter "does hair". She hates it when a client doesn't "show". :)

  4. I would like to win this book and solemnly promise to re-give it away when I finish it!

  5. What a great pay it forward giveaway!
    I'd love to read it.

  6. Remember when you said, "So if you are a designer of fabric, please think of red and gray as your next palette.. I would be eternally grateful.." I know I am late, but... http://www.rivercityquilts.com/fabric/red-rooster-carnival-fabric.cfm

    Great blog, BTW. :)

  7. Thanks for the link Amy...those are really pretty and hadn't shown up in any of my searches...

    You were "no-reply" so there was no way to respond privately...

  8. I've heard of that author but not read anything of hers yet. I nearly forgot I have a haircut this week, but it's not until Thursday, so I remembered in plenty of time....LOL

    I just bought a redwork book today that has 10 patterns in it for different times of the year....really cute. I hope I actually MAKE them. (I'm great for collecting pattern books and then not making anything from them....*sigh*)

  9. Something Ive always wanted to do...open my own quilt shop or a needlework shop...OR BOTH together?? ha! Please add me to your drawing. I PROMISE to pass it on!
    Thanks so much!

  10. Hi Nancy, I used to read all the time, then not so much. This winter I have gotten back to reading and am loving it again. So please enter me. The only reason my blog hasn't been real active this winter is because nothing but snow to show. LOL Love your little redwork girls.

  11. I'd love to be in the running...my second best hobby is reading right behind quilting

  12. I would read it and I would pass it on. But, woe is me, I don't have a blog. I do so enjoy yours and one or two others, but keeping up with them already takes enough of my time!!!! I'm on the computer more than at the sewing machine as it is!
    Donna in KS

  13. What a cute idea for a give away ~ I will definitely pass it along after reading it :) Thanks for offering it!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....