Friday, July 29, 2011


I seem to be on an "every two weeks I will blog" schedule.  So sorry...not a lot going on here so not much to talk about.  We go out to the other house every weekend and work our butts off and then I am too tired to do anything during the week..

I have done a few quilty things...

I went to the my guild meeting a couple of weeks ago where I won these...

No plans yet...

Moda donated enough of these for the entire guild...and NO CHALLENGE...

Picked up these challenge fabrics, Habitat by Jay McCarroll for Free Spirit... This IS a challenge...we can add solids only.. I have one block done and so far I like it...we shall see.
I played with a tutorial I found at Mary Claires blog...  I have had this finished for a while now..

Doesn't look like much yet..

My stitching lines are 3/4 inch's apart.  1 inch would have been better.. they are kind of pulling up at the edges..
Wal-mart has all their school supplies out and mine was selling the composition notebooks for 40 cents each.  Get them now and stash them away for when you make your gifts.  Normally they are over a dollar each...  Or Dollar General stores have them in their school supplies for $1.00 each,..

This is a gift for a neighbors daughter.  They are having a new baby in September and the baby quilt is in the works ( I will be hand sewing the binding on tomorrow while riding to Kansas City to see Kenny Chesney in concert with my sister and one daughter)  So I will show you that next week.. hopefully...  don't hold your breath...   Mary Claire has a wonderful, easy to follow tutorial on her blog. Just click that link up there..  My granddaughter, who is 9, spotted it on the ironing board and immediately fell in love with it..  Tried to talk me out of it...I guess I will be making some Christmas Presents this year..  She said the boys would like them too, if I didn't use such "girly" fabric.  LOL
Typically when I use online tutorials, I follow them exactly the first time.  Then I might tweak them a bit for me.   I am not a crayon lover for a couple of reasons.  They tend to break and they melt.  I wanted the little girl to be able to use this in the car so I made more stitching lines and added colored pencils..  A little problem...  Did you know you can't buy short colored pencils anymore?  I looked everywhere!!  So I pulled out this little machine...

Well, Ok...I didn't actually "pull it out"..  It's always set up the shop... It's a band saw.  And hubby took the long pencils and shortened them for me.   I kept the short pieces...There must be something I can do with them..

And I have this to work on next...

The blocks were all made by members of the guild and I volunteered to put one top together and get it quilted.  I think it might be due the second Saturday of next month...I'm not sure I better get it done just in case..   Half of the quilts will go to Project Linus and half will be sent to Joplin, Mo for the people that lost everything in a recent tornado..  These are the pink/orange blocks...the other colorway was aqua/green...  I need to get them sewn together and search my stash for a backing...

Let's see....anything else?  Nope...I think that's it..  If you actually read this, thanks for sticking with me... I hope to get better at updating later..but I can't promise anything..



  1. Thanks for showing signs of life.
    I love that you cut those colored pencils. I can just imagine your version of the tutorial, supplies needed: Fabric, Thread, Bandsaw...hahaha

    Can't wait to catch up in a few weeks.

  2. impressed you have started your habitat challenge. I have no clue what I'm going to do. Still waiting for inspiration to hit!

  3. Great pencil carrier. I like how you reversed the direction of the openings for the pencils from the tutorial - it makes much more sense. Thanks for the link!

  4. I'd say you've got quite a BIT going on... LOVE the bandsaw!

  5. you have been busy...I know how it is to keep up with blogging and getting behind

  6. We received our Habitat challenge fabric last week too! Looks like you and I have different colorways. Ours is earthtone. I've started working on my piece, and it's stretching me. Next time you head to KC, let me know in advance. I often find myself there since we have three grandchildren to see!

  7. That was one jam packed blog post! Thank you so much for the link love!


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