Friday, September 2, 2011

Guest Post...

Hi, my name is Abbie, I am 3 years old and I am staying at my grandma and grandpa's this weekend.  My Mommy got my Daddy tickets to the OU vs Tulsa game in NORMAN, OK in the 24th row and two nights in a hotel..  Mommy said Daddy's head exploded because he was so excited.  They said I couldn't go to Boomer Sooner.. maybe some day I will be old enough..

Last night my Mommy drove me to my grandmas car.  We moved my car seat to grandmas car in the parking lot.  On the way I told mommy that grandma was going to buy me some new tennis shoes.  Mommy didn't think so, but I know grandma will.  You just wait and see.  I want to wear tennis shoes to school every day but mommy says mine are too small and we need to get new ones. 

Grandma and I went to the post office to mail a book.  I don't know why she took the book to the post office.  I take my books back to the libary..  I think Grandma got confused.

Then we went to Walmart,  Grandma had a list so she didn't forget anything.  She kept reading it out loud and now everyone in Walmart knows what we need.  I told her I would read it to her, but she said that ice cream wasn't on the list.   I told grandma that I needed new tennis shoes for school.  Grandma said "ok".    I told grandma that mommy doesn't let me wear shoes with characters or lights on them.  Grandma found these and they have ballet girls on them..  I don't think ballet girls are a character so grandma bought them..  I got new socks too..

Well, grandma says I need a nap cause she is tired.



  1. just too too funny. but I know what you mean about being tired!
    You just made my day.

  2. Fun grandmas always get tired. It's the boring ones that have all the energy.

  3. Beautiful! Hugs to Grandma AND Abbie! LOVE the shoes! :)

  4. Have fun with Abby. Love her new shoes.

  5. Grandma's are the best. I understand about the naps for sure. Glad Abbie got those cute tennis shoes for school. Have fun! I wish I had my grandson with me this weekend. They are what keep us young!!! LOL.

  6. Nice to meet you Abbie! I love your new shoes and socks. Have fun with your nice grandma.


  7. Great job Abbie! Give grandma an extra special hug, cause you know she loves you soooo much!

  8. It's so much for for Grandma when she gets to buy super cute shoes for super cute kiddos. Grandma's like to have fun.
    Great post! :)

  9. Abbie....grandmas are the BEST, aren't they??? I love your new tennis shoes!!! And no....ballerinas are NOT characters so don't let your mom tell you any different, okay?

  10. This is great. Made me smile at the end of a VERY long day. Have fun with your Sweetie!

  11. What an awesome grandma you have your new shoes.

  12. Abbie you are a very smart little girl and I think will find great success in life! Love your blog post and I hope Grandma took a long nap!


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