Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I sewed!!

About a year ago two friends and I took a day trip to some not-so-local quilt shops...At one of the shops I found a gorgeous line of fabric that I fell in love with.  It was way before I was even ready to think about the colors for the master bedroom...but I bought some yardage anyway.  It has been sitting in the sewing room in the original bag just waiting for me to get to it.  Yesterday was the day.

Saturday evening we headed up to Target and picked up drapes and curtain rods.  Sunday afternoon we hung the drapes and I sat down Sunday night with my graph paper, pencil and ruler...measured my pillows and made a plan...

What you can't see is that I had to move my PJ's and two Christmas presents to take this photo.LOL

Tonight I will get the graph paper back out and make a plan for a bed runner.  I know I want to do Wonky Stars. This is the tutorial I will use..   It makes 12" blocks and I think that will work best for the size bed runner I want...

Unfortunately I won't be sewing anytime soon.  I hear a turkey calling my name...and some housecleaning...and figuring out how to seat 15 people...and green jello to make...and floors to mop...and Christmas presents to hide..and some black Friday shopping to do...


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