Friday, November 18, 2011

Wow....I wrote a post...

It's been almost two months since I updated this blog.. Things have been happening over here. We moved to the new house and I "might" have everything where it is supposed to be.. I'm still missing stuff.. The other day I was making cupcakes with three of the grandkids and couldn't find my cupcake pan. My sister helped me unpack my kitchen so I made a quick call to see if she remembered seeing it. Lucky for me those grandkids really wanted to make cupcakes so they searched the kitchen until they found it.

I've moved things around a bit, have run out of closet space but still have a few kitchen drawers empty.

I've had one set of grandkids for the day...I've picked the other set up from the bus stop a couple of times so their daddy could go hunting...  I love that I am close enough to do that...

My sewing room still isn't in the best of shape...Three friends volunteered to come help me unpack the last of the boxes..I told them it was a mess..I don't think they really believed how much work it was going to be .. We got all the boxes unpacked and they helped me fold and put away the fabric...and they each took a goodie bag home....

Look, Look,...I forgot that that friend on the left sent me this photo...

Bev, Veronica and Lynn...such good friends ...

Today Rich and I finally put up my design wall.  We used three sheets of foam board from Home Depot and I bought 3 lengths of flannel to cover them..


2 1/2 sheets of foam board ready to go up...

Can't wait to fill it up!
So now I really need to get the rest of the room cleaned up...and start some sewing...  I have no chance of sewing any Christmas presents this year..I haven't even started shopping yet.  I will be lucky to be ready for Thanksgiving..and it's at our house this year..for 15..I think I need to stop this and make a grocery list...and figure out where everyone is going to sit..


PS If you are reading this, thanks for sticking with me..I promise to write a little more regularly starting right after the holidays...  I still have that giveaway coming...


  1. I am so glad you got moved into the new house. I love seeing pictures of it on your other blog. Are you going to share more pictures of your sewing room on this blog? Love that design board. Have a good one.

  2. Great to hear that you are getting settled into your new home. Love the design board!

  3. I'll stick with you like glue, through thick and thin!

  4. Really neat design board, do pins hold everything up? Welcome back!

  5. Nice to hear from your Nancy! Have a great Thanksgiving.

  6. Design wall looks terrific. I'm glad you are able to pop back onto this blog now! Even though I followed you on the house blog, I still missed you over here on the quilting one.

  7. The design wall looks great.
    Now fill it

  8. Things are looking good! I'm in your same spot for the holidays, and I didn't even move!! Somehow it just hit me that Thanksgiving is NEXT Thursday - and I'm hosting too.

  9. I've sure missed your witty post and glad you are back to it. Your Design Wall is A-MAZING!!!!

  10. I am so happy to hear that you are moved in to the new house. Soon you will be all unpacked and life will get back to "normal" whatever that is.

  11. wow! What a dream design wall!!! I love mine, but it's too high on the wall, so I especially appreciate that yours goes all the way to the floor. May you keep it filled with visual delights!


Thanks for reading. I try to acknowledge each comment if there is a way to contact you.....