Monday, December 19, 2011

Design Wall Monday...

This is all sitting in front of my design wall..

I have done some sewing, but nothing I can show here...yet...  All of those are Christmas presents except one...that little bag sitting on top of the big green box is for a special birthday.  One of our grandsons was born on Christmas Eve.  We really, really try to separate the birthday present opening from the Christmas present opening...and there might be a birthday cake coming...

I finally finished shopping yesterday..that husband of mine is so hard to buy for...but with the help of some elves at his favorite store I managed to get'er done...  Now to wrap the last few...

I am already starting to think of Christmas next year...and what I can make for everyone.. I might challenge myself to make a few each month and sock them away...

See all the Design Wall Monday posts here at Judy's...



  1. Wow! You've been busy!

    Sadly, haven't even started here... And, I have two little ones at home in need of some Santa love!

    Hope everyone loves their goodies, and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. You have been busy :-) I've still got a little shopping to do. You know, for the one who is the hardest to think of a gift :-( Down to the wire..........

  3. Nancy,

    Thanks for entering my giveaway @ You won! Please email me your address at Thanks and congratulations!

    Amber Johnson
    Gigi's Thimble

  4. Your gift pile looks festive...can't wait until you can show us what you made as gifts!

  5. Good for you! I was thinking today I need to start wrapping...Thursday is baking day, other than that I'm done!

  6. Making gifts early sounds like such a good idea; I really should try and do that too!


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